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October 27, 2020 — Posted By Agricen

Recent corn and soybean trials from the Bruce Research Farm at Hopkinsville, Kentucky highlight the opportunities for yield success with TITAN XC on dry fertilizer.

In corn, a replicated trial demonstrated a yield increase of +9.5 bushels per acre when dry fertilizer (300# 9-23-30) was treated with TITAN XC and compared to untreated dry fertilizer, with a calculated net return of $31.48 per acre. (The ROI calculation assumes corn at $4.05 per bushel.) 


Even with a reduced rate of fertilizer (90% of the standard rate, or 270#), treating the fertilizer with TITAN XC produced a yield increase of +6.3 bushels per acre, for a net return of $24.93 per acre.

In soybeans, TITAN XC was applied to 200# of 9-23-30 fertilizer. Similar to the corn trials, it led to a yield increase of +9.5 bushels per acre compared to the untreated dry fertilizer, for a net return of $94.99 per acre (assuming soybeans at $10.50 per bushel). 


Dry fertilizer is one of the largest investments made in a grower's production program each season, but it can also be highly inefficient. Growers, therefore, can benefit from technologies that enhance their dry fertilizer efficiency.

With a proven track record of performance over a range of geographies, genetics and management systems, TITAN XC is designed to help you get the most out of your applied dry fertilizer. Utilizing unique biochemistry to increase nutrient availability from treated prills, it can enhance the efficiency of dry phosphorus and potassium blends—turning your dry fertilizer into a driver of performance for your farm.

With TITAN XC on your dry fertilizer, more of your applied nutrients will be available to your crop, which can help you drive yield on every acre.

Learn more by downloading the TITAN XC fall fertilizer booklet.

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October 19, 2020 — Posted By Agricen

livestock cowsWhen it comes to growing forage and pasture crops as feed for a successful livestock operation, simply increasing the biomass of these crops isn't enough. Feed quality is another important consideration. In fact, it may be the most important variable in livestock and dairy production, as increased feed quality can lead to higher production of meat and milk.

Biocatalyst technology can have a positive effect on these variables, increasing total biomass of the crop and improving feed quality. 

Increase in Dry Matter Production

In Victoria, Australia, a third-party, replicated pasture trial was conducted to evaluate the performance of the biocatalyst technology TITAN XC (marketed as BASIS XC in Australia) when used in the grower's standard dry fertilizer program. Treating diammonium phosphate (DAP) with the TITAN XC technology led to a statistically significant increase in dry matter (+236.1 lb/acre) compared to untreated DAP (p<0.05). Crude protein, an indicator of crop quality, was also higher when TITAN XC was used to treat the DAP compared to the untreated dry fertilizer.

Titan XC pasture trial

Improvement in Feed Quality

What about the effect of biocatalyst technology on other indicators of feed quality?

In a pasture trial conducted at Lucindale, Australia, TITAN XC technology was applied on single superphosphate (SSP) fertilizer and compared to untreated SSP. The feed analysis showed that TITAN XC treatment improved multiple measures of feed quality, increasing crude protein by 26.4%, total digestible nutrients (DMD) by 6.7%, and estimated metabolizable energy by 7.5%. TITAN XC treatment of the dry fertilizer also lowered acid detergent fiber by almost 3% and neutral detergent fiber by almost 8%, resulting in greater palatability and digestibility. 

fresh pasture feed analysis

These improvements in feed quality can lead to more pounds of beef and lamb produced per acre. They can also lead to more pounds of milk produced per ton of forage, as seen in a trial at a large dairy in California

In the trial, ACCOMPLISH LM (available in California today as ACCOMPLISH CA) was broadcast applied at 1 gallon per acre along with the grower's standard practice (GSP) to a field planted for corn silage. The controls were fields planted to corn silage using just the GSP alone. All fields had a history of manure applications from the dairy. Corn silage that was harvested from each treatment was stored in separate bunkers and the feed analysis was conducted after the ensiling process was complete. 

Compared to the GSP alone, feed quality was improved across multiple parameters, including the  most important one: pounds of milk per ton of silage. Overall, ACCOMPLISH treatment increased milk production by 501 pounds per ton of silage, 16% more than with the GSP alone.


A Positive Impact on Livestock Operations

These trials, and others, demonstrate the positive impact that biocatalyst technologies can have on the forage and pasture crops grown to feed livestock.  

Whether by using TITAN XC on dry fertilizer or ACCOMPLISH technology designed for broadcast on each acre (e.g., ACCOMPLISH CA or EXTRACT PBA), farmers can increase pasture and forage total biomass and dry matter while also increasing crop quality. This can lead to increased production of meat and milk in livestock operations.

Learn more by downloading the Biocatalyst Technology booklet.

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October 13, 2020 — Posted By Agricen

Steve Sexton Crop ResidueAlready a busy period, harvest is also the time for growers to begin planning for next season's crop. Fall planning can be critical to having a less stressful planting season in the spring. Incorporating TITAN XC and EXTRACT PBA into fall plans is one way that growers can set themselves up for success in the season ahead.

Agricen's Stephen Sexton breaks down the benefits of these biocatalyst products and explains where they fit into fall programs.

TITAN XC for Dry Fertilizer

Steve says that two key processes occur when TITAN XC is applied to dry phosphorus and potassium fertilizer blends and spread in the fall.

First, he notes that the phosphorus and potassium prills are broken down much faster compared to waiting for Mother Nature.

"Remember that phosphorus and potassium fertilizers may have received multiple applications of petroleum-based or vegetable-based oils to reduce dust and maintain prill integrity," he says. "Oil applied to dry fertilizer can delay the breakdown of the prill when soil applied, since oil repels soil moisture. This is not the case when Titan XC is applied to the dry fertilizer."

Then, there are the benefits related to root growth.

"In the spring, the biochemistry in TITAN XC can signal to the plant that nutrition is nearby, which stimulates root growth and feeder tip roots or root hairs, which are the ports of entry for water and nutrition into the plant," says Steve.

Download the Titan XC Corn Bulletin

EXTRACT PBA for Crop Residue, Broadcast Liquid Fertilizers, Manures & Poultry Litter

When it comes to crop residues, broadcast liquid fertilizers, manures, and poultry litter, that's where the innovative mineralization technology in EXTRACT PBA comes into play.

"EXTRACT PBA can be applied with burndown applications or alone on crop residues, manures, or litter to mineralize the organic nitrogen and phosphorus into inorganic, plant-available forms," Steve says.

Plants do not use organic forms of nitrogen or phosphorus. Rather, they can only take up these nutrients when they are in inorganic, plant-available forms. The plant-available forms of nitrogen are nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4+), while the plant-available forms of phosphorus are hydrogen phosphate (HPO4) and dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4).

"Both of these key macronutrients are mineralized, or converted from an organic form into a plant-available, inorganic form, by the biochemistry in EXTRACT PBA," he explains.

See the Extract PBA Trial Summary

The Last Word

By contributing to increased nutrient availability and an improved root system, TITAN XC on dry fertilizers and EXTRACT PBA on crop residues, manures or litter can lead to enhanced nutrient uptake, better crop performance, and higher crop yields. 

Learn more about these biocatalyst technologies by downloading the Biocatalyst Technology Booklet.

Download the Booklet


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September 30, 2020 — Posted By Agricen

At the Nutrien Ag Solutions branch in Manlius, Illinois, farmer and crop consultant Chad Taylor has been witness to many TITAN XC success stories. One that particularly stands out in his mind is the effect that TITAN XC has had on one of his grower client's fields, helping to transform farmland that was largely phosphorus deficient into land with optimal soil phosphorus levels. 

"The farm was quite run down when he purchased it, and we've been pretty amazed with the activity of TITAN XC in just a short time," says Chad.

When the grower first took over the field in 2012, soil tests taken in fall showed that phosphorus levels were very low throughout the field, with an average soil phosphorus level of just 41.5 lbs/acre. Five years later, after applying TITAN XC-treated phosphorus and potassium fertilizers every fall, soil phosphorus levels were excellent. In 2017, the date of the most recent soil tests (taken in spring), the average soil phosphorus level had increased to 122.5 lbs/acre

soil sample results - Titan XC cumulativeThe grower has been similarly satisfied with the corn and soybean yields on his acres. 

"We treat both the phosphorus and potassium with TITAN for all of his acres and we definitely plan to continue," says Chad. "He's a believer in this technology."

Titan XC yield history & fertility

As seen in this and other trials, the biocatalyst technology in TITAN can help growers maintain or build soil nutrient levels by increasing the availability of nutrients from applied phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. This can lead to increased nutrient use efficiency while also driving yield and ROI.

Learn more about TITAN XC, including how it helps drive yield and sustainability, by downloading the TITAN XC booklet.


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September 24, 2020 — Posted By Agricen

Dry fertilizer dapGrowers make nutrient management decisions all season long. This includes the period just before and after harvest, when they need to decide whether a fall dry fertilizer application makes sense.


Growers who do decide to make a fall application face a significant challenge when it comes to dry fertilizer efficiency. This is because applied phosphorus and potassium fertilizers can be easily tied up by the soil chemistry. Even with the best program, only an estimated 10-30% of applied phosphorus and 20-60% of applied potassium will be available to their crop in the spring. This level of inefficiency is not good for the grower or the crop.  


One way growers can better ensure that they are getting more out of the nutrition they apply is by treating their dry fertilizer with Titan XC, a biocatalyst technology that is specifically formulated to increase nutrient availability from dry fertilizers. This can have a positive impact on a grower’s yield, as seen in the summary of corn, soybean and wheat trials from 2010-2019 below.

Titan Meta AnalysisProven on millions of acres across the country, Titan XC helps growers address the challenges related to dry fertilizer efficiency. Here's what some growers are saying:


Kelly"Every pound of potash that we put on, we also apply Titan XC with it...The biochemistry of Titan is the best choice for us to help solubilize the potassium and help get it into the corn plant." - Kelly Garrett, Iowa. Hear more from Kelly.


Matt"I use Titan XC on my fertilizer since noticing a better root system and color on my crops versus the untreated fertilized acres." - Matt Minnix, Indiana. Hear more from Matt.


Allen"I really like the biochemistry that Titan XC offers because I love the fact that I'm getting more out of my fertilizer and putting money in my pocket." - Allen Ehrman, Nebraska. Hear more from Allen. 


An application of Titan XC on fall dry fertilizer is a great investment in the next season. Ask for it on your dry fertilizer today!


Learn more about using Titan XC to maximize the efficiency of dry fertilizer applications by downloading our booklet, "How to Get Better First-Year Nutrient Recovery Out of Fall Dry Fertilizer Applications."


Download the Booklet


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September 18, 2020 — Posted By Agricen

Yield and ROI 1As manager of the Loveland Research Farm in Owensboro, Kentucky, Tim Sickman is well acquainted with the benefits of applying TITAN XC on dry fertilizer. One of the trials that nicely highlights the advantages of TITAN XC on dry fertilizer was conducted by his group during the 2015 and 2016 growing seasons in corn and soybean.

"In 2015, we initiated a study in corn on a site that already had a very respectable P and K soil test level," he says. "We took 150 lbs of a 9-23-30 fertilizer blend. In one of the treatments, we impregnated the 9-23-30 with the standard rate of TITAN XC of 1 pint per ton of fertilizer. In the other treatment, we simply left that 150 lbs of 9-23-30 untreated."

Tim and his group then monitored the growth and development of the corn throughout the growing season, and harvested at the end of the year.

"When we ran the plot combine, what we saw was an 18 bushel per acre yield increase where TITAN XC had been used on the dry fertilizer versus where we had not used the TITAN," he says.

The team carried the trial forward into 2016, planting soybeans where the corn had been the previous season. However, they did not add any additional dry fertilizer at that time.

"At the end of the season when we harvested the beans...the soybeans actually yielded 5 bushels per acre better where we had used TITAN the prior year versus where we had not used TITAN on the dry fertilizer," Tim says. 

Tim notes that this trial illustrates a few very important things. First, it shows that TITAN XC improves the solubility of the dry fertilizer prill at the time that the initial application is made. It also shows that TITAN XC is helping to make applied nutrients available over the long haul.

"Not only did it make those nutrients more available on the soil exchange site and in the soil solution in 2015 when corn was in the field, but it continued to offer good availability of those nutrients to the soybean crop in the subsequent year," he says.

Tim adds that his group also observed an additional benefit.

"At the end of 2016 after soybean harvest, we went out and did an intensive soil sampling of the trial area. What we saw is that the P and K soil test levels were actually higher where we had used TITAN XC the prior spring," he says. "So not only did we harvest 18 more bushels of corn and 5 more bushels of soybean where we used the TITAN XC, but we actually saw soil test levels climb in that same environment versus where we had used the fertilizer without Titan XC."

Watch this video to hear Tim discuss the trial in his own words. 

Tim Sickman Video

You can learn more about TITAN XC by downloading the TITAN XC booklet.

Get the Titan XC Drives Booklet



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July 14, 2020 — Posted By Agricen

Since its introduction in Canada several years ago, TITAN XC technology for dry fertilizer (sold as Atlas XC) has established a reputation for strengthening yield performance when added to a grower's dry fertilizer practice. Similar to the United States, Nutrien Ag Solutions agronomists there have also measured an increase in soil phosphorus levels when this biocatalyst technology is used to enhance nutrient release from dry fertilizers.

In the Canadian Prairie, Nutrien Ag Solutions' Southeast Saskatchewan Division has performed five years of soil tests to evaluate soil phosphorus levels in four fields belonging to a grower customer. With the help of the Echelon soil sampling app, all cores were taken within 10 feet of the same location each year. Sampling was done in the fall after harvest except in 2020, when samples were taken in May.

Sampling revealed that phosphorus deficiency was a major problem in the fields prior to the grower adopting TITAN XC technology on his dry fertilizer. Candice Robinson, Manager of Agronomy Services for the Division, shares that 75.6% of the roughly 26,500 acres sampled in 2018 showed phosphorus deficiency (<25 lb P/acre). Of those deficient acres, 36.7% were critically deficient (<10 lb P/acre).

In spring 2019, the grower used his standard dry fertilizer (50lb/acre of 11-52-0) treated with TITAN XC technology on all of the fields. The subsequent fall 2019 soil tests showed a considerable increase in phosphorus levels compared to pre-Titan XC levels, as did the spring 2020 test.

Soil P levels - Canada - Titan XC Atlas XC

"When soil phosphorus levels are critically low, there is no rapid remedy. Phosphorus is easily tied up in the soil, which makes building phosphorus reserves a slow process," says Candice.

Using a higher rate of phosphorus-based fertilizers isn't necessarily the answer, given the inefficiency of phosphate applications in the first year after application, as well as the risk for seedling injury.

"Growers can only apply a certain amount of MAP fertilizer before salt injury occurs to seedling plants," Candice adds.

But, as these soil tests show, using TITAN XC technology to increase phosphorus availability from dry fertilizers can help growers more quickly build soil levels of phosphorus, without the risks and investment associated with simply applying higher rates of phosphate fertilizer.

Learn more about TITAN XC by visiting the TITAN XC hub

Access the Titan XC Hub

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May 21, 2020 — Posted By Agricen

corn tasselIn the fall of 2017, Benjamin Rice, a crop consultant for Nutrien Ag Solutions in Sidney, Illinois, was faced with a challenge. 

He typically recommended Titan XC to his grower customers as a treatment for applied dry phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to help increase yield and profitability. Making the case for using this fertilizer biocatalyst was easy with growers who were blanket spreading dry fertilizers, but demonstrating the value of Titan XC was more complicated with a customer who used variable rate (VRT) applied fertilizer and did not want to pay more for the Titan XC technology. Benjamin needed to figure out a way to prove that Titan XC could have a nutrient efficiency and yield benefit when used with his customer's VRT fertilizer.

Benjamin and his grower devised a large, split-field trial consisting of 320 acres over five fields. Half of the acres would be treated with the grower's standard program (100% VRT-applied P & K), and the other half treated with Ben's program (90% VRT-applied P & K plus Titan XC). The trial was designed so that both programs were identical in cost to the grower. 

Two of the fields were spread with each fertilizer program in the fall of 2017, and the remaining three fields were spread with each program the following spring, in 2018, with no additional applications planned for the trial period. Corn was planted in the spring of 2018.

Yield Results in Corn

At harvest, Titan XC proved its worth. Compared to the grower's standard VRT program, the VRT program with Titan XC-treated fertilizer resulted in an average corn yield increase of +6.8 bu/acre over the five fields, for a net revenue of $23.80/acre (based on corn at $3.50/bu). 

Titan XC VRT 01 Corn 2018

One Application, Two Years of ROI

No additional fertilizer was spread in the fall of 2018 or spring of 2019 for the 2019 soybean crop planted in the trial fields. Even so, Ben’s customer recorded a +2.6 bu/acre soybean yield increase where the Titan XC program had been applied the previous year, for an added return on investment of $22.10/acre (based on soybeans at $8.50/bu).

Titan XC VRT 02


In this split-field trial, one application of Titan XC-treated VRT fertilizer resulted in increased yields and profit for the grower over two seasons. The two-year total ROI with VRT fertilizer spread with Titan XC was ~$45.90/acre in this corn/soybean program, with no cost to the grower for the Titan XC technology. With a planned trial period of four years, Ben and his customer continue to analyze the potential for greater nutrient efficiency and higher yields with Titan XC, and the grower is eager to try this biocatalyst technology on his untreated fields at the trial's end. 

Learn more about Titan XC by downloading the Titan XC product booklet.

Download the Titan XC Booklet


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May 19, 2020 — Posted By Agricen
corn crop health 2Luke Bryan makes a valid point when he sings, “rain makes corn,” but do you know what can help make even more corn? Extract PBA.

With uncertainties in the market, the ability to increase corn yields in a cost-efficient way is more important than ever. Extract PBA in a broadcast application with a corn pre-emerge herbicide, burndown herbicide or liquid UAN can provide numerous benefits including:

    • Accelerated mineralization and release of nutrients in the soil
    • Improved plant vigor

    • Increased plant performance and yield

The benefits of Extract PBA in a corn program are supported by data from numerous corn trials that show the ability of this technology to provide an opportunity for improved crop health, higher yields and a better return on investment. In an analysis of 40 yield comparisons across the Midwest and South, the average yield increase from adding Extract PBA to a corn program was +10.1 bu/acre

Extract Corn Data pianoLearn more about the benefits of Extract PBA in a corn program by downloading the Extract PBA Makes Corn overview.

Get the Extract PBA on Corn Overview


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April 6, 2020 — Posted By Agricen

Maritime Educator ImageMARITIME® improves nutrient uptake and plant functioning to give growers unmatched seed germination, plant growth, nutrient uptake and resistance to abiotic stress. It can be used to enhance crop growth and performance both under positive growing conditions and under stress conditions from environmental factors such as drought, heat or salinity.

The MARITIME products booklet covers:

  • Product benefits
  • How MARITIME works
  • Trial results in specialty crops, including lettuce, peppers, and celery
  • Uses and rates


MARITIME is a highly soluble solution of biologically converted kelp that can be used by growers to augment a balanced crop nutrition system. MARITIME stimulates soil microbiota, improves plant growth, and reduces crop stress for better crop quality and yield.

MARITIME is OMRI listed and is a WSDA Organic Registered Input Material

Learn more about MARITIME kelp technology for agriculture by downloading the digital booklet.

Access the Maritime Booklet

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