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October 14, 2011 — Posted By Agricen

Low-angle view of corn fieldAgricen presented data on SoilBuilder at the 2011 ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. SoilBuilder is Agricen’s base biochemical fertilizer catalyst technology for the agriculture industry.

In a 3-year field study conducted at Arise Research and Discovery (Martinsville, IL), SoilBuilder reduced nitrate leaching from soil applications of urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) – in addition to improving nitrogen use efficiency and corn yields – when incorporated into an integrated nutrient management program on corn. The data was discussed during an oral presentation: Increased Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Reduced Nitrate Leaching Using SoilBuilder AF in an Integrated Nutrient Management Program on Corn (Abstract #387-3).

Data from a separate study on SoilBuilder, conducted by researchers from Auburn University, was also presented: Microbial Inoculants as Tools for Reducing Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Soil (Oral presentation; Abstract #288-4).

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September 13, 2011 — Posted By Agricen

Reducing a fertilizer’s leachable nitrates allows the fertilizer to act more efficiently. It also helps protect our water resources.

In a three-year lysimeter study, we evaluated the ability of SoilBuilder™, our base fertilizer catalyst platform, to increase corn yields by converting fertilizer nitrogen (N) into a less leachable form. The study was conducted at the field research facilities of Arise Research & Discovery, Inc., in Illinois.

SoilBuilder-treated fertilizer was compared to untreated fertilizer (control) over three growing seasons. Corn yield and nitrate leaching were evaluated. Each treated area (SoilBuilder vs. control) included four rows of field corn (row length: 30 ft; row spacing: 30 in; seed rate: 30,000/acre. The volume of leachable water and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) concentrations in the water were determined six times during each season following pumping of the lysimeter wells.

In each of the three seasons, adding SoilBuilder to fertilizer increased yields over the control (Table 1). It was also associated with a significant reduction in nitrate leaching compared to the control (Table 2).

SoilBuilder - Fertilizer Increased Yields

The average rate of nitrate leaching during the 2008 growing season is shown in Figure 1.

Average rate of nitrate leaching

Overall, this field trial shows the ability of SoilBuilder to convert fertilizer nitrogen into a less leachable form that is more available for crop nutrition.

It is just one of the many projects we do at Agricen to demonstrate that our biologically sourced tools can effectively increase crop yields.

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September 7, 2011 — Posted By Agricen

As a company, we care about doing things the right way — from producing quality fertilizer catalyst products that help growers improve sustainability in the field to improving our own practices at our Pilot Point, Texas, headquarters.

As our company grows, so does our demand for resources – especially water. This is a challenge for producers of all kinds, whether growers or product manufacturers, particularly as companies look for more ways to be “green” and incorporate sustainable practices. It is even more of a pressing challenge in places like Texas, where water conservation is important because of frequent periods of drought.

What have we done to address this issue? Earlier this year, Agricen built a water retention lagoon that holds up to a half a million gallons – about one month of our average water use.

We are now able to use that reclaimed water in our production process. The lagoon allows us to support our water needs during periods of drought or when production is in high demand. And, one interesting fact about this water – it’s actually cleaner than tap water after going through our rigorous filtration process.

At Agricen, our goals include a corporate responsibility to manage the impact we have on our local community and the environment. In this case, it made good economic sense. It was also just the right thing to do.

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