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January 18, 2016 — Posted By Agricen


With spring on the way, growers are already thinking about their plans for a successful growing season. For those with crop residues on their fields, a spring (pre-emerge) application of Extract Powered by Accomplish™ (Extract PBA) is a great way to maximize nutrient release from those residues to get more ROI out of their growing program. 

Extract PBA can be used in any residue situation, including:

  • Corn going to soybeans
  • Wheat going to soybeans
  • Wheat to wheat acres
  • No-till/minimum till corn on corn acres
  • Other crops planted in heavy residue from the previous harvest 

Download our new booklet to learn more about using Extract PBA for nutrient release this spring and better ROI this season.

This booklet covers:

  • Answers to frequently asked questions about Extract PBA
  • Product description
  • Uses and rates
  • When to make an application

Access the FAQ


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January 5, 2016 — Posted By Agricen
1. Why apply Extract PBA in the spring?
In the spring, excess residue in the field can interfere with planting, delay crop emergence and create crop stand issues. However, that same residue contains nutrients that, if released into the soil, could benefit the next crop. Spring-applied Extract PBA maximizes nutrient release from crop residue and the soil to accelerate nutrient cycling, which can enhance nutrient efficiency and provide outstanding ROI for growers. It can also lead to easier plantability, more even emergence, a healthier stand and the potential for increased yields.
2. Is Extract PBA compatible with herbicides and other applications?
Extract PBA can be tank mixed with herbicides, including glyphosate, and applied with spring burndown. It can also be broadcast with liquid fertilizers. There are no known compatibility issues. As a best practice, however, a jar test is always advisable. 
3. What is the recommended rate for a spring application of Extract PBA?
The recommended rate of Extract PBA with pre-emergent applications is 1-2 gallons per acre. It is recommended to add at least 1 gallon of UAN, with a minimum spray solution volume of 10 gallons/acre. NOTE: Do not apply Extract PBA in furrow or 2x2 at planting. 

Learn more about Extract PBA by downloading the Extract PBA product booklet

Access the Booklet

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December 21, 2015 — Posted By Agricen

Growers know that uniform corn emergence is a must for achieving great yields. Recent research shows that a delay in emergence of just 12 to 14 hours can affect yield potential.

In side by side field trials at three different locations led by North Carolina State University cropping systems specialist Dr. Ron Heiniger, an in-furrow application of Accomplish LM promoted uniform corn emergence, increased row and kernel number, and increased ear weight by 1/8 lb compared to check (10-27-0 applied in a 2x2 band). Uniform emergence was associated with higher yields: Accomplish LM increased the average yield by +11.5 bushels per acre.

Corn NCSU 2014

Accomplish LM is a nutrient use efficiency product that offers concentrated biochemistry tin an easy-to-handle liquid form.  Formulated for broadcast and starter fertilizer applications, it helps growers get the most out of their crop fertility programs by increasing nutrient availability and uptake and by promoting root growth and development. 

Use Accomplish LM this spring for more uniform crop emergence and the potential for higher yields at harvest.

Interested in more information on Accomplish LM in corn starter programs? Read our starter booklet.

Access the Booklet  

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October 26, 2015 — Posted By Agricen

By Maud Hinchee, PhD, Chief Science Officer, Agricen Sciences

Young PlantsPlants are constantly responding to their senses. They can touch, smell, taste and otherwise sense water, food and predators—and they can remember. Of course, they don’t do all of this exactly the way a human does, but they do respond to the messages they receive from the world around them to survive, thrive and reproduce—much the way we do.

This is a pretty stimulating idea – that plants are actually sentient beings responding to stimuli in a purposeful manner and communicating with each other and with potential friends and foes. (For more on this, take a look at the What Plants Talk About” episode from the PBS series, Nature.) It’s also an idea that has captivated researchers and companies in the agricultural space in recent years, most notably around the topic of biostimulants and other agricultural biologicals. 

Biostimulants are any of a variety of naturally-derived products that signal plants through biochemical messages to improve their growth, health and nutritional value. Biostimulant products include humic and fulvic acids, seaweed extracts, protein hydrolysates, amino acids, microbial inoculants and biochemical products like Agricen’s, which are derived from naturally occurring microbial communities.

Typically, such products are organically complex, and we haven’t always immediately understood the way they work to influence plant growth and health. What we do know, however, is that they can have a positive effect on plants in the agricultural setting, a claim that is supported by significant and growing scientific evidence.

Biostimulants affect a variety of physiological and biochemical pathways in plants – influencing changes in plant behaviors such as increasing root growth, enhancing nutrient uptake and improving stress tolerance. Essentially, they provide a way to communicate with plants and “tip them off” on how to positively adjust to the environmental and biotic challenges typical of agricultural systems.

We are just beginning to comprehend the significant potential of these products. It will continue to be both exciting and challenging to explore the possibilities biostimulants offer as we work to increase agricultural production for future generations.

Learn more about biological products for agriculture:

Download Agricen's Growing for the Future Booklet

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October 6, 2015 — Posted By Agricen

Grower Stories Brandon BurkhartBrandon Burkhart is a fourth-generation farmer from Oto, Iowa. Varying soils on his family's 2500-acre corn and soybean operation used to mean it was difficult to get a good, efficient use out of their applied nutrients. Today, Brandon and his family use Accomplish LM and Titan PBA to maximize their fertilizer efficiency, with excellent returns from the accompanying gains in yield. 

“When using our Accomplish LM and Titan PBA combination on corn, it’s been [a yield increase] upwards of 10 bushels or more,” says Brandon. “On our bean operations with just Titan PBA, we’ve seen jumps of 10 bushels per acre.”

“It’s been a great investment for us. It’s been a great return on investment also.”

See how Accomplish LM and Titan PBA are paying off for Brandon and his family. 

Watch the video: 

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September 29, 2015 — Posted By Agricen

After every harvest, valuable nutrients remain in the crop residue on the ground. How can growers access the nutrients in this season's residue to feed next season's crop?

Extract Powered by Accomplish™ helps growers more easily manage residue while releasing valuable nutrients for next season's crop. Use Extract PBA with fall or spring burndown to continue to take advantage of the nutrients that were applied during the previous growing season. Learn more by watching this short video.

Watch the Video:


Learn more about  Extract Powered by AccomplishTM

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September 9, 2015 — Posted By Agricen

EXTRACT Powered by Accomplish™ (EXTRACT PBA), a new product manufactured by Agricen for nutrient release from crop residues, is now available from Loveland Products.

Extract PBA

Labeled for residue management and pre-emerge applications, EXTRACT (6-0-0) allows soybean, corn and other row crop growers to access the full nutrient potential of their crop residues by:

  • Accelerating crop residue decomposition
  • Maximizing nutrient release from residue breakdown
  • Promoting easier plantability in the spring and more even crop emergence
  • Optimizing yield potential for next season's crop

EXTRACT combines the powerful biochemistry of ACCOMPLISH® LM with ammonium thiosulfate (ATS). When applied on crop residues, the ACCOMPLISH biochemistry accelerates residue decomposition and speeds nutrient release, while ATS promotes an optimal carbon to nitrogen ratio to enhance soil microbial activity, further expediting nutrient return to the soil profile.

By using EXTRACT to release valuable nutrients from crop residues and add them back into the soil profile, growers can re-utilize some of their previous fertilizer investments—those that were taken up by the plant and remain in the residue after harvest—for next season's crop.

Learn more by downloading the EXTRACT product booklet.

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August 27, 2015 — Posted By Agricen

Farming corn and soybeans in Breda, Iowa, Cory Uhlenkamp and his family use Accomplish LM on every acre to help with soil health and crop productivity.


“Yield-wise I’d say we’re getting at least 10 bushels [increase per acre] or better,” says Cory.

“We only use products that we truly do believe work. Accomplish LM is one of those products that we’ve added to our normal lineup,” he adds. “It’s a product that every year, year in and year out, you can always count on.”

Hear more of what Cory has to say about Accomplish LM.

Watch the Video:

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August 4, 2015 — Posted By Agricen

This year, many parts of the country dealt with above-average to excessive spring rains. Wet conditions set the stage for denitrification (converting nitrogen in the soil system into N2 gas) and nitrate leaching, which may explain some of the yellowing growers have observed in fields where there has been a lot of moisture.  

Starter fertilizer use can help to overcome some of this nitrogen loss by adding nitrogen back into the system. Other crop inputs can also pay off. Accomplish LM can be used in a starter blend to ensure that more of the applied nitrogen or nitrogen in the soil system is in a form that is readily available for plant uptake.   

In the field trials we’ve seen this season, the difference between starter and no starter was very obvious. Starter applications that included Accomplish LM have been giving a very strong performance, as seen in these corn trials from Wheatland, Indiana. 

Corn - Wheatland, Indiana (2015)


Starter vs. no starter fertilizer; Photo taken May 27, 2015


Corn - Wheatland, IN (2015)


Accomplish LM applied at 1 qt/acre; RiseR FA applied at 2.5 gals/acre; Sniper LFR applied at 3.2 oz/acre


Corn - Wheatland, IN (2015)


Accomplish LM applied at 1 qt/acre; Black Label Zn applied at 3 gals/acre; Sniper LFR applied at 3.2 oz/acre


Learn more about starter fertilizers and how Accomplish LM can enhance corn starter programs. Download “Improving Crop Yields with Starter Fertilizers.”

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July 23, 2015 — Posted By Agricen

Norman McPherson and M.H. Bitely are growers in Grady, Arkansas, who incorporated both Accomplish LM and Titan PBA into their fertility program for this year’s corn. Both growers applied Titan PBA on their dry fertilizer in the fall, and included Accomplish LM with their standard liquid starter fertilizers at planting.

The results so far are impressive.


Growers Norman McPherson and M.H. Bitely in Grady, Arkansas.

In fields where Accomplish LM and Titan PBA were added to the standard fertility program, corn had much smaller dents compared to corn from a nearby field they farm where Accomplish LM and Titan PBA weren’t used.

Smaller dents will add up to a lot more yield, says Norman.


With Accomplish LM and Titan PBA, corn ears show less denting.


Root digs reveal that the addition of Accomplish LM and Titan PBA also leads to significant improvements in root mass.


Significant gains in root mass with Accomplish LM and Titan PBA.


From these mid-season results, we expect to continue to see great things, as we have seen in other trials incorporating both Accomplish LM and Titan PBA into fertility programs on corn, soybeans, rice, and wheat.

We’ll follow up again with Norman and M.H. later in the season to share more details about their crops’ performance. 


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