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Three Questions Answered About Spring-Applied Extract PBA

1. Why apply Extract PBA in the spring?
In the spring, excess residue in the field can interfere with planting, delay crop emergence and create crop stand issues. However, that same residue contains nutrients that, if released into the soil, could benefit the next crop. Spring-applied Extract PBA maximizes nutrient release from crop residue and the soil to accelerate nutrient cycling, which can enhance nutrient efficiency and provide outstanding ROI for growers. It can also lead to easier plantability, more even emergence, a healthier stand and the potential for increased yields.
2. Is Extract PBA compatible with herbicides and other applications?
Extract PBA can be tank mixed with herbicides, including glyphosate, and applied with spring burndown. It can also be broadcast with liquid fertilizers. There are no known compatibility issues. As a best practice, however, a jar test is always advisable. 
3. What is the recommended rate for a spring application of Extract PBA?
The recommended rate of Extract PBA with pre-emergent applications is 1-2 gallons per acre. It is recommended to add at least 1 gallon of UAN, with a minimum spray solution volume of 10 gallons/acre. NOTE: Do not apply Extract PBA in furrow or 2x2 at planting. 

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