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December 12, 2017 — Posted By Agricen

Results from corn trials in central Indiana show the potential for big corn yield gains and ROI with fall-applied Titan XC

In the fall of 2016, Titan XC-treated and untreated dry fertilizer (MES10 and 0-0-60) was applied to three fields in central Indiana using a variable rate technology (VRT) system. The fields were planted with corn in the spring. In the fall of 2017, the corn crop harvested from Titan XC-treated parts of the fields demonstrated both an increased yield and an impressive ROI compared to the crops harvested from the untreated parts of the fields. 

In both the first and second trials, the yield improvement with Titan XC was 12 bu/a compared to untreated, with an ROI of more than $35 an acre. In the third trial, the yield improvement with Titan XC was even more impressive at a whopping 41 bu/a, with an ROI of more than $135/acre.




Learn more about Titan XC by watching our "Fertilizer Breakdown with Titan XC" video. 

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November 30, 2017 — Posted By Agricen

Growers who spread dry fertilizer on corn fields going to soybeans may want to consider the results of this Titan XC trial from Cozad, Nebraska. In a test plot, treating dry fertilizer with Titan XC provided a 14 bushel/acre yield advantage in soybeans compared to the soybean plots where untreated fertilizer was applied.


By accelerating the breakdown of treated dry fertilizers, Titan XC makes nutrients more available for plant uptake and utilization, which can benefit every crop. Learn more by watching a Titan XC webinar

Browse Titan XC Webinars

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November 29, 2017 — Posted By Agricen

Over the past few years, we've posted several agriculture-related videos that showcase the efforts growers are making to implement new products and practices that help them improve ag productivity and sustainability. If you haven't yet seen them, here are a few of the most popular and most recent.

Prove It to Me (4-min version)

"Prove It to Me" follows 5 growers in Iowa and Arkansas during the course of a growing season. See the issues they face, as well as how they approach using new products—including Accomplish and Titan—as they try to maximize their productivity and sustainability. 

Grower Stories: Chris Perkins, Otwell, Indiana

In this video, you can hear Chris Perkins, a grower and Nutrien Ag Solutions location manager in Otwell, Indiana, speak about how he uses Accomplish and Titan to tap into nutrients in his field, bring up fertility levels, and sustain a healthy soil structure under his corn on corn acres. You will also hear from Dr. Fred Below of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, who discusses the success Chris has had raising soil fertility levels and crop productivity. 

Building Sustainable Agriculture Programs

Working together with state and local government, USDA, and others, farmers around Black Hawk Lake in Iowa are testing and implementing conservation practices to protect the lake from nitrate runoff. As part of their efforts, Jeff Frank and some other local growers are using Accomplish and other biocatalyst products to help them be even more sustainable in their agricultural practices, while also keeping their acres productive. See what they are doing by watching the video.

You can also access our biocatalyst technology FAQ to learn more about Accomplish, Titan, and other biocatalyst technologies.

Download the FAQ 

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November 15, 2017 — Posted By Agricen

As growers deal with tight budgets and carefully evaluate all of their input costs, a simple dry fertilizer demonstration shows why Titan XC is important to any operation's bottom line.

Prepared by Nutrien Ag Solutions in Cecilia, Kentucky, these jar tests shows the value that Titan XC brings when applied to dry fertilizers. As you can see in the photos, Titan XC has accelerated the breakdown of fertilizer prill in the treated jars, translating into greater nutrient release and improved fertilizer efficiency in the field. All photos were taken after three weeks.



You can see similar results in this time-lapse video of fertilizer breakdown with Titan XC on 9-23-30, 11-52-0 and MESZ fertilizers.

Download the Titan XC product booklet or contact Nutrien Ag Solutions to learn more about using this biocatalyst technology for dry fertilizers.

Download the Booklet

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October 23, 2017 — Posted By Agricen

In this Kansas wheat trial, Titan XC provided a yield and ROI advantage when used with a banded dry fertilizer application.

Titan XC was applied at 1 pint per ton on MicroEssentials SZ (MESZ), which was placed in-furrow. Compared to the untreated MESZ, the Titan XC-treated MESZ raised wheat yields, with a 7 bu/a yield increase. With wheat prices estimated at $6.50/bu, the return on investment with Titan XC in this trial would be $43.62 per acre.


Titan XC contains concentrated biochemistry that can help growers unlock the potential of their dry fertilizer program. By accelerating prill breakdown to expedite nutrient availability and uptake, Titan XC can turn dry fertilizer into a driver of performance on your farm.

Learn more about using Titan XC to maximize the efficiency of dry fertilizers by watching a webinar.

Watch the Webinar 

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October 3, 2017 — Posted By Agricen

In a Dyna-Gro corn plot harvested near Cozad, Nebraska, treating MicroEssentials SZ (MESZ) fertilizer with Titan XC led to a 14.4 bushel per acre increase in corn yield compared to untreated MESZ. The corn was harvested on September 20, 2017.


In the trial, MESZ was applied at a rate of 120 pounds per acre. In the treated rows, Titan XC had been applied to the dry fertilizer at 1 pint per ton. Corn from the eight rows fertilized with Titan XC-treated MESZ yielded 282.7 bu/acre, while the corn yield from the eight rows sown with untreated fertilizer was 268 bu/acre. The previous crop was soybean.

To learn more about Titan XC, please visit the Titan XC information hub.

Visit the Titan XC Hub

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September 6, 2017 — Posted By Agricen

Chris Perkins Otwell Indiana

For the past several years, Chris Perkins, a grower and Nutrien Ag Solutions location manager in Otwell, Indiana, has been running an experimental, high management, continuous corn plot using several products in the Loveland Products portfolio, including Accomplish LM and Titan, so that he can prove the value of the products he sells to his customers.

Many of the decisions that Chris makes in the management of his plot are driven by ongoing research at the university level, primarily that of Dr. Fred Below of the Crop Physiology Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

We spoke to Chris to learn more about how he uses biocatalyst products to tap into nutrients in his field, bring up fertility levels, and sustain a healthy soil structure under his corn on corn acres. We also spoke to Dr. Below to hear his take on the success Chris has had raising soil fertility levels and crop productivity. Watch the video to hear from Chris and Dr. Below. 

"One of the things that Chris does exceptionally well is that he manages the residue so that it releases more nutrients in season, throughout the whole season," says Dr. Below. "Chris took that marginal field and, over the last three years, I've seen him raise yields by 60 bushels. He's done this with a combination of technologies. He's managed the nutrients that are in the residue, he's managed the nutrients that are in the soil, and he's protected the crop."

One of the key benefits Chris has noted from using Accomplish and Titan technologies is an increase in soil nutrient values.

Learn more about the work Chris has done to improve soil fertility on his continuous corn acres.

"In the past three years, we have taken a field that was in the mid-20s on phosphorus and, by running biologicals such as Accomplish and Titan with our fertilizer, we've pushed those levels to over 150 lbs per acre," says Chris. "We have all of these nutrients in the field from my dad, from my grandpa, and probably even from my great grandpa, and that's what we think has come in with the Accomplish technology, which breaks those nutrients down for us so that they can continue on through the new crop."

Find out more about the biocatalyst technologies Chris is using and how they can help your operation by accessing our biocatalyst technology FAQ.

Download the FAQ


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August 1, 2017 — Posted By Agricen

In this field trial on corn, root digs show a more developed root system in plants fertilized with Titan XC-impregnated dry fertilizer compared to untreated dry fertilizer. The corn trial was conducted by Nutrien Ag Solutions in New Brunswick, Indiana. 


Photos from the trial also show that stalks are denser and healthier with the Titan XC biocatalyst applied to the grower's dry fertilizer.


All photos were taken in early July.

Learn more about using Titan XC to enhance your dry fertilizer application by downloading our fertilizer breakdown study.

Download Titan XC Prill Breakdown Study


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January 9, 2017 — Posted By Agricen
Treating dry fertilizer with Titan XC accelerates prill breakdown for rapid nutrient release and improved nutrient uptake by crops. This time-lapse video shows how quickly Titan XC works to break down 9-23-30, 11-52-0 and MESZ fertilizers.

Learn more about Titan XC and its agronomic benefits by downloading the Titan XC product booklet

Download the Booklet
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October 31, 2016 — Posted By Agricen

One of the main reasons growers use Titan XC is to speed the breakdown of dry fertilizer prills, which makes nutrients more quickly available for crop uptake. Loveland Products recently conducted a quick demonstration to quantify the rate of enhanced fertilizer breakdown with Titan XC. The results show that Titan XC does what it says.

The demo compared Titan XC-treated versus untreated 6-6-18 fertilizer. The starting weight of each of the 8 samples tested in this demo (4 untreated and 4 treated) was 15 grams. All samples were submerged in distilled water for 72 hours, then screened off and weighed.

In every case, more Titan XC-treated fertilizer was dissolved compared to untreated fertilizer. Overall, Titan XC increased fertilizer breakdown by an average of 32%.

Download Titan XC Prill Breakdown Study


Untreated fertilizer prills (top row) vs prills treated with Titan XC (bottom row).

The average final weight of the Titan XC-treated samples was 2.32 grams, compared to 6.99 grams for the untreated samples.


In addition, analysis of the distilled water after the fertilizer was screened off showed a 25-83% increase in nutrient content (depending on the nutrient) in favor of Titan XC versus untreated fertilizer.

Although there are many different variables at play when it comes to prill breakdown (e.g., things such as application timing, rainfall/soil moisture, or incorporated vs. no-till practices), this quick demonstration shows that incorporating Titan XC into a dry fertilizer application speeds prill breakdown and rapidly releases nutrients for plant uptake.


See more results by accessing our featured study on fertilizer prill breakdown with Titan XC.

See More Prill Breakdown Results 

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