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March 15, 2017 — Posted By Agricen

For the best soybeans this season, make every nutrient count with Extract PBA

Extract PBA combines concentrated biochemistry and a nitrogen source to release the nutrients your beans need all while helping you access the full value of your fertilizer investment. Turn to Extract PBA this spring to feed your soybeans and maximize yield potential.

You can learn more about Extract PBA by contacting your local Crop Production Services retailer, or registering for our upcoming webinar, "A New Perspective on Soybean Yield Improvement."

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March 6, 2017 — Posted By Agricen
Read this Q&A for a brief introduction to IBA, kinetin and other compounds that aid in plant growth and functioning—and learn how they can help optimize plant performance.


What are IBA and kinetin, and how do they benefit crops?

IBA (which stands for indolebutyric acid) and kinetin are two different types of plant growth regulators or hormones. IBA is an auxin that is produced in the plant’s leaves and shoots. IBA travels downwards to the roots and stimulates early and improved root growth, which increases plant vigor and the plant’s ability to fight off stress throughout the growing season. Kinetin is a cytokinin that travels up the plant from the root tips, directing many physiological functions of plant growth.

IBA and kinetin (as cytokinin) are the active ingredients in Radiate®, which combines these two plant growth regulators in the optimum ratio to maximize the physiological processes in the plant that drive root and shoot growth. Radiate is designed to help crops develop longer, stronger, healthier roots to improve nutrient uptake. It can be used as a foliar application during the two- to six-leaf growth period (V2-V6) to jumpstart early season root growth and plant vigor, which can lead to gains in crop productivity. 

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What is NutriSync® technology, and why is it important for plant health and performance?  

NutriSync® technology is based on a naturally occurring compound that transports and remobilizes nutrients to areas of peak demand within the plant. By providing better uptake and utilization of important nutrients and delivering them to the new points of growth in the plant, this technology helps to increase overall plant performance. 

NutriSync technology promotes nutrient mobilization to areas of high demand and supports better utilization of nutrients within the plant. These features create healthier plants throughout the growing season, which can lead to higher yields and a better return on investment. 


What synergies could I expect when using Radiate, which contains IBA and kinetin, with the technology found in NutriSync?  

As IBA and kinetin increase root growth and development, the plant’s ability to take up soil nutrients increases. After the nutrients are in the plant, NutriSync technology helps the plant move them to areas of new growth, where demand is highest. By using Radiate and NutriSync products together in the same season, growers can expect better root development, more efficient use of nutrients, stronger overall plant performance and an excellent return on investment. 
Radiate and NutriSync are registered trademarks of Loveland Products, Inc. Radiate is not registered in California, and is not approved or intended to be used or sold in California.

Browse Agricen's collection of resources, which includes product studies, publications, videos and infographics.

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February 28, 2017 — Posted By Agricen

Pair Up-1.jpgAs farmers make input decisions for the upcoming growing season, they are looking for ways to cost effectively increase soybean yields. By using Extract PBA with a soybean pre-emerge herbicide application like Intimidator®Matador®, or Matador-S, farmers can release nutrients tied up in the soil or in crop residue to unlock the potential of every acre of soybeans planted this spring. 

Benefits of Intimidator & Matador / Matador-S:

    • Provide broad spectrum weed control (burndown and long-lasting residual)
    • Have a unique formulation: 3 active ingredients to help manage weed resistance

Benefits of Extract:

    • Maximizes nutrient release from crop residues and the soil
    • Extends existing nutrient availability later into the season
    • Optimizes yield potential

soybeans extract IA

Learn more about the benefits of Extract PBA for your soybeans by downloading an Extract soybean study.

Download the Study

Extract Powered by Accomplish, Intimidator and Matador are registered trademarks of Loveland Products, Inc.

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January 24, 2017 — Posted By Agricen

sciences petri dish.jpgBiostimulants and biofertilizers are now joining biopesticides as technologies that have proven themselves in the field. As they continue to deliver benefits to growers and acceptance grows, more and more biological-based products are being introduced from companies of all sizes—including products like Titan XC and Extract

Bio-based products are likely to play a growing role as part of a systems approach to managing plants and the soil and microbial communities that surround them, with benefits that may include improvements in nutrient utilization or better plant tolerance of abiotic stresses like heat, cold or drought.

You can read more about the way that biological solutions for agriculture are moving forward in this recent article from Corn & Soybean Digest.

Read the Complete Article


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January 9, 2017 — Posted By Agricen
Treating dry fertilizer with Titan XC accelerates prill breakdown for rapid nutrient release and improved nutrient uptake by crops. This time-lapse video shows how quickly Titan XC works to break down 9-23-30, 11-52-0 and MESZ fertilizers.

Learn more about Titan XC and its agronomic benefits by downloading the Titan XC product booklet

Download the Booklet
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December 14, 2016 — Posted By Agricen

In this trial from Attica, Indiana, Extract PBA brought in big returns on two crops in the same year.

Extract PBA was applied in the fall of 2015 on soybean stubble, and winter wheat was planted. At harvest, the crop planted where Extract was applied had an 8 bushel per acre yield advantage.

Download Extract PBA Product Booklet

11-16 extract wheat.png

In 2016, the grower planted double crop soybeans in the same field, again gaining a yield advantage (5 bushels per acre) where Extract PBA had been applied the previous year. The combined ROI to the grower was $69/acre 

11-16 extract soybeans.png

One of the major benefits of Extract PBA is that it increases nutrient mineralization in the soil. As seen in this trial, this can potentially have benefits that last more than one year. Plan on using Extract PBA in the fall or spring to maximize nutrient mineralization and help feed your crop.

Learn more by downloading the Extract PBA product booklet.

Download the Booklet 

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November 21, 2016 — Posted By Agricen

In Northern Ohio, Nutrien Ag Solutions conducted trials to evaluate the benefits of making a fall residue or spring pre-emerge application of Extract PBA (1 gallon per acre). In these trials, Extract was applied on corn stalks in fields where soybeans would be planted as the next crop. The data shows great potential for a growers' return on investment, with healthier plants and higher pod counts when Extract PBA was used. 

In the trial results shown below, the plants from the treated areas have a more robust structure to support higher yields. Pod clusters are also tighter, with more per node compared to plants from untreated strips in the test plots.

Download Extract PBA Product Booklet



When the pods were counted from the plants above, there were 16 more pods from the plants grown in the Extract PBA-treated area compared to the untreated controls. 


Similar results were also seen in a Nutrien Ag Solutions trial conducted in Iowa, where Extract PBA was applied with pre-emerge herbicide. Soybean plants in the Extract PBA-treated areas were greener, more robust and had higher pod counts (shown below) compared to the untreated controls.


These results are a good demonstration of how powerfully Extract PBA releases nutrients to feed a soybean crop.

Use Extract PBA the the fall or spring for benefits that include:

  • Release of nutrients trapped in residue or bound in soil

  • Extension of existing nutrient availability later into the season

  • Optimization of plantability in the spring

  • More even crop emergence

  • Improved yield potential

Learn more by downloading the Extract PBA product booklet.

Download the Booklet 


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November 7, 2016 — Posted By Agricen

A proactive fall herbicide program can help growers get ahead of next season's weed pressure by controlling difficult weeds, allowing them to start out the spring with cleaner fields and setting the stage for better spring herbicide performance. By adding Extract PBA to a fall burndown package, growers can also gain the benefits of increased yield and ROI. 

In this trial, which was conducted in West Lebanon, Indiana, Extract PBA was applied with fall burndown in 2015 to release nutrients in the soil and residue for the next season's crop. Soybeans were planted in the spring of 2016. At harvest, Extract PBA treatment was associated with a  5.1 bu/a yield advantage and a return on investment for the grower (ROI of $37/acre compared to the untreated soybean yield; ROI calculation for that time period assumes $9.50 cash beans.).

Download Extract PBA Product Booklet


Extract PBA is not limited to use with fall burndown herbicides. It is also effective when used in the spring with pre-emergence herbicides. With either application, this biocatalyst can help growers mine nutrients out of both soil and crop residue to feed the next crop.

Learn more about Extract PBA by downloading one of our Extract PBA publications.

Access Extract PBA Publications

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October 31, 2016 — Posted By Agricen

One of the main reasons growers use Titan XC is to speed the breakdown of dry fertilizer prills, which makes nutrients more quickly available for crop uptake. Loveland Products recently conducted a quick demonstration to quantify the rate of enhanced fertilizer breakdown with Titan XC. The results show that Titan XC does what it says.

The demo compared Titan XC-treated versus untreated 6-6-18 fertilizer. The starting weight of each of the 8 samples tested in this demo (4 untreated and 4 treated) was 15 grams. All samples were submerged in distilled water for 72 hours, then screened off and weighed.

In every case, more Titan XC-treated fertilizer was dissolved compared to untreated fertilizer. Overall, Titan XC increased fertilizer breakdown by an average of 32%.

Download Titan XC Prill Breakdown Study


Untreated fertilizer prills (top row) vs prills treated with Titan XC (bottom row).

The average final weight of the Titan XC-treated samples was 2.32 grams, compared to 6.99 grams for the untreated samples.


In addition, analysis of the distilled water after the fertilizer was screened off showed a 25-83% increase in nutrient content (depending on the nutrient) in favor of Titan XC versus untreated fertilizer.

Although there are many different variables at play when it comes to prill breakdown (e.g., things such as application timing, rainfall/soil moisture, or incorporated vs. no-till practices), this quick demonstration shows that incorporating Titan XC into a dry fertilizer application speeds prill breakdown and rapidly releases nutrients for plant uptake.


See more results by accessing our featured study on fertilizer prill breakdown with Titan XC.

See More Prill Breakdown Results 

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August 31, 2016 — Posted By Agricen

We are happy to announce today that Agricen now has operations on two continents: North America, with headquarters and a manufacturing plant in Texas, and Australia, with a new manufacturing facility in Dandenong, Victoria.

Agricen_Australia_Logo.pngAgricen Australia is producing sustainable fertilizer biocatalyst products under the names of Basis® and Foundation™ LM for distribution in the Australian market through Loveland Agri Products and Landmark. The products are manufactured using natural, locally sourced base ingredients in our recently constructed Australian plant.

“This is an important milestone for Agricen’s growth into new international markets as well as for Australian agriculture, which now has access to a new generation of sustainable plant health technologies,” says Michael Totora, President and CEO of Agricen. “With the new operation in Australia, our products are now being distributed across three continents: North America, South America and Australia. We are excited by the momentum and interest in Agricen’s technologies—and their positive contribution to growers’ cropping programs and sustainability efforts.”

Basis and Foundation LM are agricultural biostimulants derived from diverse, naturally occurring microbial communities and designed to work with a grower’s existing crop fertility program to increase nutrient availability and improve overall plant performance.

Basis is specifically formulated for use with granular fertilizers, while Foundation LM is formulated for use with spray applications, including liquid fertilizers, ground-applied herbicides and broadacre sprays.

Since the initiation of production in Australia over the past year, Basis and Foundation LM have been tested across Australia and used to improve the health and productivity of crops that include canola, wheat, pulses and fresh produce/horticultural crops such as strawberries, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage (wombok) and sugar cane.

Visit Agricen Australia to learn more about what we are doing down under. 

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