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Extract PBA Pushes Winter Wheat Ahead

After a fertilizer application, hungry crops must wait for nutrient mineralization to occur before the applied nutrients are available to use. To speed up and enhance this process, growers can utilize Extract PBA as a nutrient release tool to improve nutrient availability and uptake. As seen in this winter wheat trial, the result is noticeably better plant performance when compared to plants grown on untreated acres.

The trial, which was conducted in heavily manured fields in Ohio, looked at the effect of adding 1 gallon per acre of Extract PBA to a grower's existing fertilizer program of 28% UAN. Wheat plants in the untreated plot were planted on October 24, 2016, while plants in the Extract-treated plot were planted a month later, on November 25, 2016. Photos were taken in April 2017.

In the spring, wheat plants from the Extract-treated plot were much farther along than plants from the untreated plot, despite being a month behind on planting. 


This trial provides a visible demonstration of how early nutrient availability can enhance overall crop health and performance.

Learn more about the performance of Extract PBA in wheat fields by accessing our Extract wheat study

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