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September 26, 2019

Biocatalyst Technologies Are Helping to Transform Grower Productivity

Posted by Agricen

In 2018, no fewer than five national winners and seven state winners of the NCGA's National Corn Yield Contest used Agricen's biocatalyst technology on their winning acres. We are fortunate to be represented in the best practices of many leading growers, and humbled by the opportunity to help transform grower productivity.

Before the start of this year's harvest, we had the opportunity to meet up with some of the 2018 NCGA winners to celebrate their success last season. Here are some of the folks we are honored to say have used Accomplish LM, Titan XC or Extract PBA as part of their winning strategy. 


Topics: Minnesota, North Carolina, Texas, Michigan, Iowa, Corn, Titan, Indiana, Accomplish LM, Missouri, Ag Biologicals & Biostimulants, Extract PBA, Idaho, NCGA

August 14, 2019

Accomplish LM Is a Great Fit for Potato Growers

Posted by Agricen

We often focus on Accomplish LM in corn, soybean or wheat crops, but the benefits of Accomplish LM technology also extend to specialty crops like potatoes. A recent side by side comparison from a 2019 potato trial in Grafton, North Dakota shows earlier potato emergence and more robust plants when Accomplish LM has been added to the grower's standard potato fertilizer program. In this trial, Accomplish LM was applied at planting with 10-34-0, placed below the seed in a band.


Topics: North Dakota, Michigan, Accomplish LM, potatoes

June 13, 2018

Top Corn Producers Used Accomplish LM, Extract PBA & Titan XC

Posted by Agricen

When the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) announced the national winners of the 2017 NCGA corn yield contest earlier this year, four of these top corn producers had something big in common. It was their use of one or more biocatalyst technologies made by Agricen and available from Loveland Products. Over the next few weeks we will profile each of those top producers and talk about how they utilized Accomplish LM, Extract PBA or Titan XC as part of their winning program. This week, we start by featuring Don Stall of Charlotte, Michigan. With a yield of 407.22 bushels/acre, Don placed first in the nation for irrigated corn.


Topics: Grower Stories, Michigan, Corn, Titan, Accomplish LM, Extract PBA, NCGA