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May 1, 2018

Breaking Down Corn Stalk Residue with Extract PBA

Posted by Agricen

In a demonstration conducted by Nutrien Ag Solutions in Galesburg, Illinois, Extract PBA was sprayed in fall on a corn field post-harvest. In the following spring, stalks were pulled and split to examine the differences in residue breakdown between treated and untreated parts of the field.

As seen in the photo, the Extract-treated stalks were in a more advanced stage of decomposition than untreated stalks by early spring. 

Download the Extract Product Booklet

Extract PBA was sprayed on Nov. 29, 2017. This photo shows corn stalks from treated and untreated parts of the field that were pulled and split on March 23, 2018. 


Topics: Illinois, Crop Residue, Corn, Extract PBA

April 24, 2018

Understanding the Biochemistry in Accomplish Technologies

Posted by Agricen

Accomplish MAX, Extract PBA, and Titan XC contain concentrated biochemistry that helps growers increase nutrient availability to their crops, enhances root growth and functioning, and improves overall plant performance. But, what exactly is biochemistry?

Biochemistry is the chemistry of life. It is created by, in, and from living organisms, such as soil microbes. A number of different biochemistries are created by soil microbes—each serving an important role in soil microbial functioning, and even in plant functioning.


Topics: Titan, Ag Biologicals & Biostimulants, Extract PBA, Accomplish MAX

January 3, 2018

Spring-Applied Extract PBA Gives Corn a Big Boost

Posted by Agricen

In this corn field trial from Wood River, Nebraska, a spring application of Extract PBA led to a corn yield result that was 32 bu/a better than check at harvest. Assuming $5.80 bushel corn, the yield result from this trial translates into an ROI of $173.60 per acre.


Topics: Corn, Nebraska, Extract PBA

September 26, 2017

Soybeans Excel with Nutrient Release from Fall-Applied Extract PBA

Posted by Agricen

Extract PBA has been making a big difference in soybean trials being conducted by Nutrien Ag Solutions Palmyra at a farm just outside of Monroe City, Missouri. Extract PBA was applied in the fall of 2016 at 1 gallon per acre on corn stalks, along with 2 gallons per acre of UAN. Soybeans were planted on May 18, 2017, and all pictures were taken approximately two months later, on July 26, 2017.

The photos show that soybeans from the Extract-treated part of the field have longer primary roots, larger leaves and stems, and more nodes and nodules compared to soybeans from the untreated parts of the field. 


Topics: Soybeans, Missouri, Extract PBA

September 12, 2017

Extract PBA Pushes Winter Wheat Ahead

Posted by Agricen

After a fertilizer application, hungry crops must wait for nutrient mineralization to occur before the applied nutrients are available to use. To speed up and enhance this process, growers can utilize Extract PBA as a nutrient release tool to improve nutrient availability and uptake. As seen in this winter wheat trial, the result is noticeably better plant performance when compared to plants grown on untreated acres.

The trial, which was conducted in heavily manured fields in Ohio, looked at the effect of adding 1 gallon per acre of Extract PBA to a grower's existing fertilizer program of 28% UAN. Wheat plants in the untreated plot were planted on October 24, 2016, while plants in the Extract-treated plot were planted a month later, on November 25, 2016. Photos were taken in April 2017.


Topics: Ohio, Wheat, Extract PBA

May 31, 2017

Answers to 3 Common Questions about Sidedressing Nitrogen on Corn

Posted by Agricen

Below we answer three common questions on corn nitrogen demands and discuss ways to make the most efficient sidedress application.

When does a corn crop need most of its nitrogen?

Growers often want to put nitrogen out early in the season—when it is easier to apply—to get their corn crop “up and going.” However, actual peak nitrogen demand for corn is right before tassel (V10 – V14), continuing on through grain fill. Making a sidedress nitrogen application can be an effective way of making sure the crop has the nitrogen it needs when demand is greatest.


Topics: Sidedress, Corn, Extract PBA

May 18, 2017

[Hoosier Ag Today] Extending Nutrients for Soybeans This Year

Posted by Agricen

Scott Lay recently spoke to Hoosier Ag Today about Extract PBA and how it can help maximize soybean yield potential when used with a pre-emerge herbicide or fertilizer application this spring. 

Hoosier Ag Today: Extract is a biocatalyst that helps make nutrients in the soil available to crops. Scott Lay from Loveland Products explains. 

Lay: Really what Extract does is frees up or mineralizes nutrients that are already bound in the soil. It helps to decompose residue, which is essentially nutrients awaiting to be utilized by the plant. It simply accelerates that process that Mother Nature is already performing, by helping to decompose and mineralize more nutrients, putting them in a plant available form so that we can maximize yield in a given crop.


Topics: Soybeans, Indiana, Extract PBA

May 15, 2017

Extract PBA Gives Soybean & Corn Yields a Boost in Midwest Trials

Posted by Agricen

One of the key ways to positively impact soybean and corn yields is by optimizing nutrient availability to the growing crop throughout the season. A number of trials conducted across the Midwest show that an application of Extract PBA is an effective and consistent way to achieve this.

By helping to mineralize soil nutrients more effectively and getting more nutrition into soybean and corn crops, Extract PBA can enhance crop vigor and yields, as seen in the soybean and corn trials shown below.


Topics: Soybeans, Iowa, Corn, Extract PBA

May 1, 2017

[RFD IL Radio] Improving Soybean Performance with Spring Applications

Posted by Agricen

What can Midwest growers do to ensure they will get good performance from their soybeans? Scott Lay recently discussed this issue with RFD IL Radio Network, including how a spring application of Loveland’s Extract PBA biocatalyst can help optimize soybean yield potential.

RFD: How do we get the best performance out of soybeans? The product that we’re talking about is Extract. First things first, Scott, what is Extract?


Topics: Soybeans, Extract PBA

April 24, 2017

[Ohio AgNet] Improve Soybean Yield by Addressing Nutrient Availability

Posted by Agricen

Ty Higgins of Ohio AgNet sat down with Scott Lay to discuss soybean nutrient needs and how Extract PBA can increase nutrient release to help improve soybean fertility.

AgNet: Typically, it’s not practical to spend similar money on fertilizing soybeans as it is on fertilizing corn. But this year, there might be a change of thought in that area.


Topics: Soybeans, Extract PBA