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May 1, 2018 — Posted By Agricen

In a demonstration conducted by Nutrien Ag Solutions in Galesburg, Illinois, EXTRACT PBA was sprayed in fall on a corn field post-harvest. In the following spring, stalks were pulled and split to examine the differences in residue breakdown between treated and untreated parts of the field.

As seen in the photo, the EXTRACT-treated stalks were in a more advanced stage of decomposition than untreated stalks by early spring. 

Download the Extract Product Booklet

extract-corn-stalk-residue-illinoisEXTRACT was sprayed on Nov. 29, 2017. This photo shows corn stalks from treated and untreated parts of the field that were pulled and split on March 23, 2018. 

"I think this picture speaks volumes about product performance due to the fact that EXTRACT was sprayed when nozzles were almost freezing up, and the stalks were pulled when it was nearly freezing outside," says Michael Bern, the crop consultant who performed the demo. "It's a good illustration of how EXTRACT works when the soil microbes technically haven’t even woken up from hibernation."

EXTRACT can be broadcast or applied though fertigation at 1 to 2 gallons/acre, with 1 gallon of UAN/acre recommended and a minimum spray volume of 10 gallons/acre. 

Learn more by downloading the EXTRACT product booklet.

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November 21, 2016 — Posted By Agricen

In Northern Ohio, Nutrien Ag Solutions conducted trials to evaluate the benefits of making a fall residue or spring pre-emerge application of Extract PBA (1 gallon per acre). In these trials, Extract was applied on corn stalks in fields where soybeans would be planted as the next crop. The data shows great potential for a growers' return on investment, with healthier plants and higher pod counts when Extract PBA was used. 

In the trial results shown below, the plants from the treated areas have a more robust structure to support higher yields. Pod clusters are also tighter, with more per node compared to plants from untreated strips in the test plots.

Download Extract PBA Product Booklet



When the pods were counted from the plants above, there were 16 more pods from the plants grown in the Extract PBA-treated area compared to the untreated controls. 


Similar results were also seen in a Nutrien Ag Solutions trial conducted in Iowa, where Extract PBA was applied with pre-emerge herbicide. Soybean plants in the Extract PBA-treated areas were greener, more robust and had higher pod counts (shown below) compared to the untreated controls.


These results are a good demonstration of how powerfully Extract PBA releases nutrients to feed a soybean crop.

Use Extract PBA the the fall or spring for benefits that include:

  • Release of nutrients trapped in residue or bound in soil

  • Extension of existing nutrient availability later into the season

  • Optimization of plantability in the spring

  • More even crop emergence

  • Improved yield potential

Learn more by downloading the Extract PBA product booklet.

Download the Booklet 


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April 28, 2016 — Posted By Agricen

By Randy Stockhorst, Loveland Products, Ohio

For soybean plants, R3 is a critical growth stage during which the plant's nutrient needs rise to support pod growth and development. By applying Extract PBA with a soybean pre-emerge herbicide, growers can ensure their plants will have the nutrition they need at this critical growth period, which will position them for an excellent yield outcome.

In our area of northwest Ohio, potassium deficiency is the most prevalent deficiency that we've seen in R3 soybean tissue samples over the past several years. The amount of potassium stored in corn stalks is a little more than a 1-to-1 ratio on yield. That means that in a 200 bushel corn crop, for example, there are approximately 205 lbs of potassium locked in the stalks.

By applying Extract PBA on corn residue now, growers can accelerate nutrient release and mineralization so that more nutrients–including potassiumare available to their soybean crop at the reproductive stages.

Download Extract PBA Product Booklet

Farmers in our area who utilized this product last fall are indeed impressed with the activity on corn stalks, and those who utilize it this spring can expect similar results. As you can see below, the concentrated biochemistry in an application of Extract PBA breaks down the stalk, releasing nutrients for the next crop.


Untreated (left) vs Extract PBA-treated (right) corn stalks. Extract PBA was applied in the fall of 2015. Photo taken in March 2016 in Carey, Ohio.

In addition to nutrient release, other benefits of adding Extract PBA to a spring pre-emergence soybean herbicide application include:

  • An easier tillage pass on soybean stubble this fall
  • Soil that will be drier and warm up faster for the next year's corn planting
  • Less disease pressure from the stalks

I encourage anyone who is planting soybeans this spring to consider applying Extract PBA as part of their pre-emerge plan. 

Learn more about using Extract PBA in the spring or fall by watching a webinar.

Watch a Webinar



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January 26, 2016 — Posted By Agricen

An application of Extract PBA can help growers keep a tight focus on nutrient efficiency by powerfully releasing nutrients from residue for use by the coming crop. 

In this side by side trial conducted in Fairbury, Illinois, one half of the harvested corn field was sprayed with Extract PBA in late September and the other was left untreated. There was very little moisture in the first 6 weeks after application, and photos were taken approximately 8 weeks after application. 

As the photo shows, decay on the treated stalks was well advanced compared to the untreated check after only 8 weeks.

Download Extract PBA Product Booklet


Extract PBA can be applied in the fall, broadcast on its own or applied with a burndown herbicide, or in the spring with any pre-herbicide or UAN program. Use it this season to make every nutrient count!

Learn more about using Extract PBA by downloading the Extract PBA product booklet

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January 18, 2016 — Posted By Agricen


With spring on the way, growers are already thinking about their plans for a successful growing season. For those with crop residues on their fields, a spring (pre-emerge) application of Extract Powered by Accomplish™ (Extract PBA) is a great way to maximize nutrient release from those residues to get more ROI out of their growing program. 

Extract PBA can be used in any residue situation, including:

  • Corn going to soybeans
  • Wheat going to soybeans
  • Wheat to wheat acres
  • No-till/minimum till corn on corn acres
  • Other crops planted in heavy residue from the previous harvest 

Download our new booklet to learn more about using Extract PBA for nutrient release this spring and better ROI this season.

This booklet covers:

  • Answers to frequently asked questions about Extract PBA
  • Product description
  • Uses and rates
  • When to make an application

Access the FAQ


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January 5, 2016 — Posted By Agricen
1. Why apply Extract PBA in the spring?
In the spring, excess residue in the field can interfere with planting, delay crop emergence and create crop stand issues. However, that same residue contains nutrients that, if released into the soil, could benefit the next crop. Spring-applied Extract PBA maximizes nutrient release from crop residue and the soil to accelerate nutrient cycling, which can enhance nutrient efficiency and provide outstanding ROI for growers. It can also lead to easier plantability, more even emergence, a healthier stand and the potential for increased yields.
2. Is Extract PBA compatible with herbicides and other applications?
Extract PBA can be tank mixed with herbicides, including glyphosate, and applied with spring burndown. It can also be broadcast with liquid fertilizers. There are no known compatibility issues. As a best practice, however, a jar test is always advisable. 
3. What is the recommended rate for a spring application of Extract PBA?
The recommended rate of Extract PBA with pre-emergent applications is 1-2 gallons per acre. It is recommended to add at least 1 gallon of UAN, with a minimum spray solution volume of 10 gallons/acre. NOTE: Do not apply Extract PBA in furrow or 2x2 at planting. 

Learn more about Extract PBA by downloading the Extract PBA product booklet

Access the Booklet

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September 29, 2015 — Posted By Agricen

After every harvest, valuable nutrients remain in the crop residue on the ground. How can growers access the nutrients in this season's residue to feed next season's crop?

Extract Powered by Accomplish™ helps growers more easily manage residue while releasing valuable nutrients for next season's crop. Use Extract PBA with fall or spring burndown to continue to take advantage of the nutrients that were applied during the previous growing season. Learn more by watching this short video.

Watch the Video:


Learn more about  Extract Powered by AccomplishTM

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September 9, 2015 — Posted By Agricen

EXTRACT Powered by Accomplish™ (EXTRACT PBA), a new product manufactured by Agricen for nutrient release from crop residues, is now available from Loveland Products.

Extract PBA

Labeled for residue management and pre-emerge applications, EXTRACT (6-0-0) allows soybean, corn and other row crop growers to access the full nutrient potential of their crop residues by:

  • Accelerating crop residue decomposition
  • Maximizing nutrient release from residue breakdown
  • Promoting easier plantability in the spring and more even crop emergence
  • Optimizing yield potential for next season's crop

EXTRACT combines the powerful biochemistry of ACCOMPLISH® LM with ammonium thiosulfate (ATS). When applied on crop residues, the ACCOMPLISH biochemistry accelerates residue decomposition and speeds nutrient release, while ATS promotes an optimal carbon to nitrogen ratio to enhance soil microbial activity, further expediting nutrient return to the soil profile.

By using EXTRACT to release valuable nutrients from crop residues and add them back into the soil profile, growers can re-utilize some of their previous fertilizer investments—those that were taken up by the plant and remain in the residue after harvest—for next season's crop.

Learn more by downloading the EXTRACT product booklet.

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November 18, 2014 — Posted By Agricen

snow_residueHere we discuss why your crop residue is valuable and how your farm can benefit from a post-harvest application of EXTRACT. 

Q: I mostly consider my residue to be a nuisance. Do I need to rethink that view?

A: Given where prices are, growers are really going to have to focus to make money next year. Residue can play an important role in helping to achieve that. Residue doesn't have to be just another obstacle to deal with when you're trying to get your crop planted. By releasing the nutrients locked up in your crop stubble, you get more ROI out of your original nutrient investment by benefitting next season's crop. We recommend that you rethink your residue as an important component of the planning process for next year's crop. 

Q: What is the value of my residue?

A: Here's a great example of the value of residue. If you're a corn producer, for every bushel of corn you grow, your residue contains an average of 0.45 lbs of N, 0.16 lbs of P, and 1.1 lbs of K. If you had a 200-bushel crop in 2014, that's an NPK value of 90-32-220. Think about how valuable those nutrients can be if you can release them in time for spring planting.

Q: With a big harvest, how should I deal with all of my post-harvest residue? What's a good way to speed residue breakdown and access the nutrients in my stubble?

A: Many growers turn to fall tillage or a fall nitrogen application to help them speed residue breakdown. Although tillage does a good job of physically breaking up the residue and increasing the surface area that microbes have to work on, it has little direct influence on the mineralization of nutrients trapped in residue. Nitrogen can provide some benefits, but lack of sufficient N is not the main limiting factor for residue breakdown–soil temperatures are, since microbial activity, which is what produces the biochemistry needed to break down crop residue, drastically drops off below 50 degrees F. This is why we recommend a post-harvest application of EXTRACT – which contains biochemistry that enhances residue breakdown, nutrient release and nutrient mineralization, even at lower temperatures – to help you capture the value of your residue. 

Learn more about the benefits of a residue application of EXTRACT by reading the our crop residue booklet.

Download the Booklet

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December 22, 2013 — Posted By Agricen

Accomplish technology can be used to help release and mineralize nutrients in high residue fields. Given the high potassium levels in corn stover and the high potassium demand for a soybean crop, this is a perfect situation for using a residue application of Accomplish technology to improve plant performance (Figures 1-3) and gain a yield advantage in the coming soybean crop (Figure 4).


Figure 1. Soybeans, Wimbledon, ND (2011). Improved nutrient uptake in soybean treated with fall-applied Accomplish LM (right) compared to check (left). Accomplish LM was applied in the fall of 2010 at 2 quarts/acre with 1 gallon of 28% UAN and 10 gallons of water per acre**.


Figure 2. Soybeans, Wimbledon, ND (2011). Improved nutrient uptake and root growth during the growing season with a fall residue application of Accomplish LM (right) compared to check (left). Accomplish LM was applied in the fall of 2010 at 2 quarts/acre with 1 gallon of 28% UAN and 10 gallons of water per acre**.


Figure 3. Soybeans, Wimbledon, ND (2011).Improved nutrient uptake with a fall residue application of Accomplish LM (right) compared to check (left). Accomplish LM was applied in the fall of 2010 at 2 quarts/acre with 1 gallon of 28% UAN and 10 gallons of water per acre**.


Figure 4. Soybean yield results, Wall Lake, Iowa (2008). Accomplish LM was associated with the highest yield compared to check (average yield from two check strips adjacent to the Accomplish LM-treated strip) in this trial of soybean grown on corn residue.

Residue applications can be made in the fall, winter, or spring. By using Accomplish technology in their nutrient mineralization programs, growers can speed residue breakdown and release valuable nutrients for a top soybean yield next season.

**Extract PBA, which combines Accomplish LM and ammonium thiosulfate, has been launched since the writing of this blog article. It is now the recommended residue treatment from Agricen.**

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