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August 8, 2022

Protecting Yield Potential from Heat and Drought Stress

Posted by Agricen

With many areas of the country in need of moisture, Agricen’s Scott Lay spoke with WITY Radio's Dennis Michelsen about Terramar, a new technology for the row crop market that can help growers protect their yield potential from heat and drought stress.

Dennis - WITY Radio: When it comes to wanting a little more rain and being concerned about stress in our corn and soybeans this time of year, that’s where Terramar comes into play.

Scott - Agricen: Right. Terramar is a new technology for the Midwest corn and soybean markets. We’ve already had it commercially available in high-value fruit and vegetable crops in Florida, California and the coastal areas.

Terramar is a combination of a biological extract of kelp and a carbon source that does two things. One, it helps to minimize effect of heat and drought stress in the plant. We’re trying to protect the yield potential that exists by minimizing yield robbing factors, like heat and drought stress, which are all too often an impediment to yield as the crop matures.


Topics: Soybeans, Corn, Abiotic stress, Terramar

July 25, 2022

Three Ways to Combat Drought Stress in Corn

Posted by Agricen

Drought stress can cause significant yield reductions in corn, so it's important for growers to proactively consider ways they can reduce the impact of dry conditions on their crops.

Although growers can't control the weather, they do have options that can help them improve plant health and strengthen their corn crop's stress tolerance in the face of drought.


Topics: Plant Nutrition & Health, Illinois, Corn, Kansas, Abiotic stress, Terramar

January 24, 2022

How Accomplish MAX Helps Mitigate the Effects of Salt Stress on Crops

Posted by Agricen

Although crops take up many salts in the form of nutrients, they can be adversely affected if more salt is added to the soil system than can be taken up by the plant or flushed out of the root zone. This is especially a concern in irrigated cropping systems, where dissolved salts from irrigation water can lead to soil salinity problems that compound over time. Salts in applied fertilizers can also contribute to soil salinity.

Soils that are high in salts can limit water uptake, impede nutrient uptake, and negatively impact seed germination and crop development. Plants that do survive will exhibit less vigor, have slower physiological development and show signs of stress, preventing full yield potential from being realized. Taking steps to manage soil salinity is therefore critical to having balanced soil for optimal plant growth and productivity.

Accomplish MAX, which is available through Nutrien Ag Solutions, is a next-generation biocatalyst designed to help plants better tolerate salt and other abiotic stresses.


Topics: Abiotic stress, Accomplish MAX

April 6, 2020

Maritime Kelp Technology Booklet Now Available Online

Posted by Agricen

The new Maritime® product booklet is now available online.

Maritime increases nutrient and plant functioning to give growers unmatched seed germination, plant growth, and nutrient uptake. It can be used to enhance crop growth and performance both under positive growing conditions and under stress conditions from environmental factors such as drought, heat, or salinity.

The Maritime educational booklet covers:

  • Product benefits
  • How Maritime works
  • Trial results in specialty crops, including lettuce, peppers, and celery
  • Uses and rates

Topics: Maritime, lettuce, celery, peppers, Abiotic stress