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July 17, 2023 — Posted By Agricen

Wity-radio-down on farmWith dry, hot weather having impacted many areas of the country, Agricen's Scott Lay spoke with Dennis Michelsen of WITY Radio to discuss how Terramar is helping corn and soybean growers minimize the effect of drought and heat stress on their crops.

Dennis - WITY Radio: After a long duration of dry weather that we had during this growing season, we're getting a great chance to see just how much Terramar is helping reduce some of that drought stress we saw.

Scott - Agricen: Terramar is a new product to the Midwest and row crops. More importantly, it's a new practice. We now have a technology available to us in our arsenal that will help minimize stress.

Dennis - WITY Radio: This product is all about standing up to stress.

Scott - Agricen: We know that if the nighttime low does not get below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, that's a bad day for the corn plant. That impacts yield. We also know from our replicated studies with Terramar that we're able to decrease the crop canopy temperature by a measure of three to five degrees Fahrenheit for a period of three to four weeks. Again, that's not going to eliminate the negative impact of extremely hot temperatures, but it sure takes a bite out of it.

Dennis - WITY Radio: How is Terramar working on soybeans this year across the Midwest?

Scott - Agricen: Regardless of zip code and regardless of crop, minimizing heat and drought stress while increasing the amount of nutrients that the carbon component in Terramar can bring into that plant is a good transaction.

With respect to soybeans specifically, we're entering a critical stage, and that is the reproductive stages. That's when 90% of all nutrients are consumed by the plant. That's when yield is determined.

Again, we can't control what Mother Nature brings our way in terms of precipitation, but if we can increase the amount of nutrients flowing into that plant by virtue of stimulating that plant with our Terramar product, we've got a better chance to preserve yield potential.

Dennis - WITY Radio: Whether it's corn or soybeans, Scott, you guys have done a lot of testing of this product on acres that, quite frankly, are more susceptible to drought than we usually see here in Central Illinois.

Scott - Agricen: When we started to look at this on crops in tough growing conditions, like grain sorghum and dryland corn in western Kansas early on, we started to detect not only a positive yield impact, but also better plant health that maintained throughout the growing season. We knew at that point that we needed to get this more widely across the Midwest in corn and soybean growing areas. As a result, this year we'll approach about 2.5 million acres treated with Terramar.

Dennis - WITY Radio: I understand this product is working good as a tank mix companion with a lot of different materials, whether early in the season as you're doing an extra fertilizer run or when you're applying a fungicide. 

Scott - Agricen: That’s correct. As we look out over the month of July, any farmer of corn, soybeans or cotton is looking to preserve yield potential. Fungicides are a key part of that equation.

We're able to pair Terramar with fungicide and see a favorable impact in terms of minimizing the effect of drought and heat, which is a result of the kelp component, while also pulling more nutrients into that plant as a result of the carbon component.

Plants enjoy carbon and, when in abundant supply, it provides needed energy to produce a more robust root system that is able to pull more water and nutrients into the plant. That often leads to a more consistent yield result.

Dennis - WITY Radio: Whether it's corn or soybeans, Terramar can help you stand up to stress.

Terramar is available from Nutrien Ag Solutions.

This interview was edited for length and clarity. You can listen to the interview below or on Agricen's YouTube channel.

Learn more about Terramar by downloading the Terramar product booklet.

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July 10, 2023 — Posted By Agricen

Lee Lubbers Terramar TrialLee Lubbers, an XtremeAg grower in Gregory, South Dakota, tried TERRAMAR for the first time in 2022, testing it across fields with different yield environments.

"We were very intrigued by TERRAMAR being a stress mitigation product," says Lee. "We ended up applying about 4,000 acres worth of TERRAMAR on corn."

His first trial was in a field that was traditionally in the bottom one-third when it comes to yield.

"It ended up showing that the TERRAMAR is 7% better than the untreated," he says. "In our yield environment this year, to get a piece of ground to do this, and then to see a 7% increase...If we take that times 120 bushel, that's going to be about $60 an acre to our pocket. I'll take that all day long."

Lee speaks about that experience below.

A trial in a different field also showed him how well TERRAMAR can help growers hold on to yield under tough conditions.

"I was driving by a corn field where we applied TERRAMAR on our side of the road. On the other side of the section line, the neighbor did not," he says. "When we planted we were looking at each other, the neighbor and I, and when we sprayed we were looking at each other. But we...went with stress mitigation with TERRAMAR."

The day Lee checked in on that trial, the wind was blowing 25 to 30 miles per hour, the temperature was 105 degrees Fahrenheit and there had been little precipitation since planting.

"On our side of the section line, the leaves were green and erect. The plant was still functioning," says Lee. "I walked 40 feet across, and the neighbor’s field looked like a field of green onions. The corn leaves were just rolled up tight."

That fall, Lee cut 150- to 160-bushel corn, while the neighboring field got chopped for silage. Based on the strips left for the adjuster, Lee estimates that his neighbor had 40-bushel corn.

"We had to do fertility and our management practices to get to that point, but I know, in that third quarter going into the fourth, TERRAMAR helped us preserve that yield," he says. "Where the neighbor lost, we held what we had."

You can hear about it in Lee's own words below.

Learn more about TERRAMAR by downloading the TERRAMAR booklet.

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July 5, 2023 — Posted By Agricen

Terramar Top 10Many agricultural areas across the United States are facing weather-related challenges, but there are still opportunities to make the most out of what Mother Nature is dishing out.

Terramar, a new product for row crops, is formulated to help crops stand up to abiotic stresses (such as heat and dry conditions) while also increasing nutrient uptake for better plant growth.

The photos below document the performance of Terramar applications made on corn, soybeans and wheat earlier this season, and they show some very strong visual results.

With another opportunity to apply Terramar now here (this time with fungicide or plant nutrition products on reproductive-stage corn and soybeans), we wanted to share these images as a reminder of the potential in this year's crop.

Here are the top 10 Terramar field pictures of 2023, so far:

1. Terramar on Corn – Ferris, Illinois

Terramar 1 Corn Ferris IL 2023 -1Dry conditions (No rain for 11-12 days). Terramar was applied at 1 pint/acre. Photos taken May 26, 2023, 8 days after application. 15 plants per bundle.

2. Terramar on Corn Muscoda, Wisconsin

Terramar 2 Muscoda WI Corn 2023 -1Corn crop planted April 29, 2023. Dry conditions (2.2” precipitation since planting). Terramar was applied at 1 quart/acre at V5. Photo taken June 21, 2023, two weeks after Terramar application.

3. Terramar on Soybeans – Farmington, Illinois

Terramar 3 Farmington IL Soybeans 2023Terramar was applied at 1 pint/acre on May 29, 2023. Photo taken 16 days after Terramar application. 

4. Terramar on Soybeans – East Chain, Minnesota

Terramar 4 East Chain MN Soybeans 2023Terramar was applied at 1 quart/acre. Photos taken 5 days after Terramar application. 

5. Terramar on Wheat – Kentucky

Terramar 5 Kentucky Wheat 2023

Terramar was applied twice, each time at 1 pint/acre prior to a sub-freezing event. Joint (head) was above ground. Photos taken mid-May.

6. Terramar on Wheat – Oberlin, Kansas

Terramar 6 Kansas Wheat 2023Terramar was applied at 1 quart/acre on March 24, 2023. Very dry conditions. Photos taken May 4, 2023, 53 days after Terramar application. 

7. Terramar on Corn – Fairview, Illinois

Terramar 7 Illinois Corn 2023-1

Terramar applied at 1 pint/acre at V4 (left) & at 1pint vs 1 quart (right).

8. Terramar on Corn – Bennet, NebraskaTerramar 8 Nebraska Corn 2023

Terramar was applied at 1 pint/acre on May 30, 2023. Photo taken June 20, 2023, 21 days after Terramar application. Some leaf rolling observed on untreated corn. 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

9. Terramar on Corn – Ferris, Illinois

Terramar 9 Illinois Corn 2023Terramar was applied at 1 quart/acre on on June 3, 2023. Photos taken 5 days after Terramar application. Plants taken 20 rows into each block; 1 plant every 20 steps. 5 plants per bundle.

10. Terramar on Corn – Parker, South Dakota

Terramar 10 South Dakota Corn 2023

Terramar was applied at 1 quart/acre at V4 on June 7, 2023. Photos taken 8 days after Terramar application. 

*Bonus Photo* Terramar on Corn – Arcadia, Indiana

Terramar 11 Arcadia Indiana Corn 2023Terramar was applied at 1 quart/acre at V4-5.

*Bonus Photo* Terramar on Wheat – Western Kansas

Terramar 12 Western Kansas Wheat 2023Terramar was applied at 1 quart/acre at first green-up (Feekes 3-4) on March 21, 2023. Cold and dry conditions. Photo taken 54 days after application.

Learn more about Terramar by downloading the Terramar row crop bulletin.

Access the Bulletin

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June 29, 2023 — Posted By Agricen

Growers know all too well that hot and dry conditions can contribute to yield loss in corn and soybean crops, especially when these stresses last for a prolonged period of time. TERRAMAR gives growers the opportunity to mitigate the effects of these weather-related stresses so that their crops can hold on to their yield potential.

There are two key opportunities for making a TERRAMAR application on corn and soybeans. The first opportunity to apply TERRAMAR is with the early post herbicide pass, typically at the V4-V5 growth stage in both crops. The second opportunity is with a fungicide or foliar plant nutrition pass on corn and soybeans. For those who have already applied TERRAMAR earlier in the season, a two-pass program (first at the early vegetative growth stage, then at the reproductive stages) may be beneficial, particularly if crops are under prolonged stress.

In corn and soybeans, the window for applying TERRAMAR with fungicide or plant nutrition products is:

  • Corn - V10 (early season) through R3 (tar spot)
  • Soybeans - Pre-bloom through R3

All TERRAMAR applications made at reproductive stages should be at a minimum rate of 1 quart/acre. Applications can be made by airplane, helicopter or a ground rig.

Below are two examples of recent trials in which TERRAMAR was applied at reproductive stages in corn and soybeans, leading to yield increases compared to the grower's standard practice.


Impact of Heat and Drought Stress During Corn and Soybean Reproductive Stages

Typical fungicide applications occur as much of the Corn Belt, East and South begins to experience the most extreme time of heat and drought stress.

These conditions can have a significant, negative impact on the ability of corn and soybean crops to reach their full yield potential. About two weeks before silk emergence, corn enters the period of grain yield determination that is most sensitive to heat and drought stress. At this stage, wilting of the plant due to stress can decrease yield by 3-4% per day. During the silking and pollen shed period, severe stress may reduce yield up to 8% per day and, in the two weeks following silking, severe stress may reduce yield up to 6% per day.

In soybeans, stress during reproductive stages (R1 to R3) can lead to as many as 60-75% of flowers and up to 50% of the formed pods vulnerable to being aborted.

How TERRAMAR Helps to Address Heat and Drought Stress

TERRAMAR has a unique ability to minimize stress by lowering the canopy temperature and increasing photosynthetic capacity during this critical window.

As seen in the chart below, the technology in TERRAMAR lowered the canopy temperature of highly stressed corn for a window of more than 30 days. A lower canopy temperature means less stress for the plant.

Leaf temperature MBT

As we approach the reproductive stages of both corn and soybeans, the potential for yield loss increases daily. This is where TERRAMAR can play a significant role in helping them “Stand Up to Stress” for a better-performing plant and a better overall outcome.

Learn more about Terramar by downloading the Terramar Row Crop Bulletin.

Access the Bulletin

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June 19, 2023 — Posted By Agricen

Growers who are applying UAN sidedress this season have multiple technologies and practices they can utilize to minimize nitrogen loss to the environment and increase nitrogen efficiency and uptake by the corn crop. Examples include chemical nitrogen stabilizers, cultural Y-drop systems and Extract PBA nutrient release technology, all of which can be used individually or as part of an integrated approach to maximize the benefits of a UAN sidedress application.

Extract PBA is a biocatalyst technology for enhanced nutrient release and mineralization combined with ammonium thiosulfate, a source of nitrogen and sulfur. By accelerating nutrient mineralization and recycling, Extract PBA can help improve crop growth and vigor, extend nutrient availability to the crop and improve nutrient efficiency when used with UAN sidedress.

How do we know that Extract PBA influences nitrogen availability?

One example comes from research performed at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. There, at the West Central Research and Extension Center, Extract PBA was applied at 1 gallon per acre onto fallow soil (absent of a growing crop) with a history of manure applications. Soil testing was then performed on the treated and untreated fallow soil every two weeks for four months to determine nutrient availability and assess soil health. 

Extract PBA increased the availability of all pools of nitrogen, including inorganic and potentially mineralizable N pools, compared to the untreated soil.

Better Nitrogen Availability with Extract PBA

This is important in the setting of a UAN sidedress application. In the cropping cycle, optimal sidedress timing is at the V4-V8 growth stage, right before the period of rapid nitrogen uptake in corn. By enhancing the availability of nitrogen in a sidedress application with Extract PBA, the corn crop can get more of what it needs for optimal grain fill and yield.

In real world, on-farm situations, this can translate into higher yields, as seen in the examples below. 

Extract PBA + UAN at Sidedress

By influencing both applied and residual nitrogen sources, Extract PBA can increase the efficiency of UAN sidedress applications and help maximize nitrogen uptake.

Watch the short video below to hear Agricen’s Dr. Brian Cornelious explain how using Extract PBA to enhance UAN sidedress applications can maximize corn yields.


Learn more about using Extract PBA in sidedress nitrogen applications by downloading our booklet, Sidedressing Nitrogen for Maximum Yields.

Download the Booklet


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June 12, 2023 — Posted By Agricen

With growers turning their attention to early post-emergent herbicide and other foliar applications in corn and soybeans, Agricen's Scott Lay spoke with Dennis Michelsen of WITY Radio to discuss Terramar, a new option for mitigating the effects of weather-related stress and helping crops realize their yield potential.

Dennis - WITY RadioTell us a little bit about Terramar.

Scott - Agricen Terramar is not only a new product, but also a new practice that can now be employed in farmers’ growing systems: the practice of minimizing weather-related stresses. Weather plays a tremendous role in determining yield, and weather stress may present itself through the months of May, June and July in the form of heat, drought or other challenges. Terramar helps to minimize the stress impact that crops experience and allows them to realize more of their potential.

Dennis - WITY Radio: I understand it's derived in part from kelp.

Scott - Agricen It is. Our colleagues in California who grow fruit and vegetable crops have been using kelp for some time. They recognize that plant extracts from kelp help crops with stress. It doesn't take the place of moisture or precipitation, but it does allow that plant to continue more of its normal physiological growth processes and minimize the impact of heat and drought.

There's also a carbon component to Terramar. Even in the absence of stress, that carbon provides needed energy for the plant, which is then translated into a plant that can pull more water and nutrients into the cells as it needs them. We saw some tremendous positive yield results last year when Terramar was applied in corn and beans.

Dennis - WITY RadioThere's a lot of different kinds of stress that Terramar can help fight.

Scott - Agricen If we apply this technology early in the crop's growth process, we're preparing that crop for whatever may come. While we can't predict whether there will be any heat or drought impact on that crop, we do know that if we can improve specific metrics in the plant with Terramar, for instance, increased chlorophyll production or increased water transpiration, that will result in a better performing plant, regardless of weather circumstances.

Dennis - WITY Radio Terramar is applied with a foliar application and I understand it mixes well with other crop inputs growers are already going to be using. How late into the season can we apply Terramar?

Scott - Agricen It can be applied even as late as reproductive stages in concert with fungicide applications. In corn, that’s shortly after pollination or tassel time. In soybeans, those fungicide applications may take place well into the reproductive stages into late July or early August.

Dennis - WITY RadioI like to think of a product like Terramar as sort of like an insurance policy. Could we benefit by using it twice, one run with the herbicides and then maybe later with the fungicide application?

Scott - Agricen Last year we saw evidence of that, where multiple applications turned out to provide a greater return in terms of increased yield. You could think of it as a practice that allows the plant to perform more closely to its potential. And in the absence of stress, pulling more nutrients into that plant—which the carbon based component provides—is a very critical yield enhancing practice.

Dennis - WITY Radio What sorts of results have you seen when you look at the return on investment?

Scott - Agricen Last year, the average response in corn was 7 to 8 bushels. In times of severe heat and drought stress like we had in the Western Corn belt, those yield responses were even greater, oftentimes in the 12- to 15-bushel range. In soybeans last year, the average yield response was right at about 4 to 5 bushels. Under today's commodity price environment, that’s a very handsome return.

Terramar is available from Nutrien Ag Solutions.

This interview was edited for length and clarity. You can listen to the interview below or on Agricen's YouTube channel.

Learn more about Terramar by downloading the Terramar product booklet.

Access the Booklet


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May 24, 2023 — Posted By Agricen

Terramar Webinar

How can growers mitigate the effects of weather-related crop stresses like heat and dry conditions while also increasing nutrient uptake by their crops during the growing season?

Watch our on-demand webinar, "Introducing Terramar: A New Way to Help Row Crops Stand Up to Stress," to hear:

  • How Terramar improves crop tolerance to abiotic stresses while enhancing nutrient uptake

  • Why Terramar is a good fit for any row crop program, including corn, soybean, and wheat

  • Details about application timing, trial results, and more

Intended for foliar use in row crops, Terramar delivers increased nutrient uptake and enhanced stress mitigation to optimize plant health and contribute to enhanced yield.

Terramar combines two unique technology platforms with complimentary functions to improve plant performance and help crops "Stand Up to Stress":

  • Carbon-Based Technology, or CBT. CBT is derived from biologically converted leonardite, a carbon source. CBT enhances nutrient uptake and provides key carbon derivatives for additional energy to optimize plant performance

  • Marine-Based Technology, or MBT. MBT is derived from biologically converted kelp. MBT improves crop tolerance to abiotic stressors such as heat, drought, salt, and cold, which can represent significant yield-limiting factors.

Terramar is compatible with key crop inputs, including foliar nutrition, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides, for maximum application flexibility. Multiple field trials validate the effectiveness of Terramar as an addition to crop protection (herbicide, insecticide or fungicide) and nutritional programs.

Terramar can be used in combination with early, mid-season, or late-season foliar applications to mitigate stress and improve nutrient uptake. Foliar applications deliver its unique set of highly active, metabolite-based compounds for quick absorption through the leaf tissue of the plant.

Terramar is exclusively available from Nutrien Ag Solutions.

Watch the webinar today to learn how Terramar can help row crops stand up to stress.

Watch the Webinar


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May 4, 2023 — Posted By Agricen

Wity-radio-down on farmAgricen's Scott Lay recently spoke with Dennis Michelsen of WITY Radio about sustainable plant health technologies growers can employ this season to enhance yield and ROI. 

Dennis - WITY Radio: Agricen has a booklet about the company's sustainable plant health technologies. Tell us more about that. 

Scott - Agricen: Sustainable practices or technologies can be employed in real-life intensive managed production systems, and not at the expense of yield. They can enhance yield and productivity.

Our technologies, they either benefit the plant, benefit the soil, or both. If we can pair those technologies with traditional production practices, that’s a win-win.

Dennis - WITY Radio: One of the products you talk about is Accomplish MAX. Sometimes when we get a later planting, the crop doesn’t have a chance to get a good, deep root structure to get through those dry periods in the summer. Accomplish MAX could help avoid some of those stresses.

Scott - Agricen: Last year, Accomplish MAX was treated on nearly 2 million acres. It’s an in-furrow product used with starter fertilizers, with an average 7 to 8 bushel yield response in corn. If you can minimize early season stresses and enhance the amount of nutrients available to the plant, that plant has a better chance of yield.

Dennis - WITY Radio: Extract PBA is about making sure you get all the benefit out of the nutrients you’re already putting down in your soil.

Scott - Agricen: There are hundreds of dollars’ worth of nutrients that every farmer in the US has already paid for, which are already in the soil profile or in the prior year’s residue. Extract PBA is a broadcast application designed to accelerate Mother Nature’s work in mineralizing those nutrients into a plant-available form.

Dennis - WITY Radio: Another product you have is Terramar, which my listeners might not be as familiar with.

Scott - Agricen: Last year we had an informal introduction of Terramar with tremendous results. It’s a foliar or post application timing for corn or soybean crops. While we can’t control temperature, precipitation or other environmental conditions, we know those environmental conditions have a tremendous impact on a crop's ability to yield. Terramar minimizes heat and drought stress to preserve the yield potential that exists in that corn or soybean plant.

Dennis - WITY Radio:  And Terramar can be combined with other products that you're already going to be making the pass in the field with.

Scott - Agricen: If we can embed our technology in applications that are already taking place so that farmers don’t have to alter what they are already doing, we’ve got a better likelihood of experiencing success.

Accomplish MAX, Extract PBA and Terramar are available from Nutrien Ag Solutions.

This interview was edited for length and clarity. You can listen to the interview below or on Agricen's YouTube channel.

Download the Sustainable Plant Health Technology Overview to learn more about Accomplish MAX, Extract PBA and Terramar.

Download the Bulletin

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May 1, 2023 — Posted By Agricen

In the NCGA's 2022 National Corn Yield Contest, nearly three dozen winners used Agricen's biocatalyst technologies in their winning programs. They include four farmers who took top places at the national level and 31 who took top places in their states. 🏆

NCGA_social-2022 (1)

The winning growers used one or more of the following products in their corn fertility programs: Accomplish MAXExtract PBALevitate, Maritime, Terramar and Titan XC. All of these products are available from our partner, Loveland Products, through Nutrien Ag Solutions.

Corn Yield Winners

National corn yield winners include Virginia farmer Heath Cutrell, who, with a yield of 394.05 bu/acre, earned first place in the "Conventional Non-Irrigated" category. His yield was also the highest overall corn yield in this year's contest. Heath was previously featured in Agricen's Last Stand film.

Other national winners who used Agricen's technology include Chad Henderson of Alabama, who placed second nationally in the "Conventional Irrigated" category with a yield of 333.04 bu/acre, and Temple Rhodes of Maryland, who took third place in the nation in the "Strip, Min, Mulch, Ridge-Till Irrigated" category with a yield of 344.94 bu/acre. 

Soybean Yield Winners

Agricen's biocatalyst technologies were also a part of several winning soybean programs. The top place winner of the Pennsylvania Soybean Yield Contest and two first place winners of the Michigan Soybean Association Yield Contest all used at least one of Agricen's technologies in their soybean fertility programs:

  • A. Dale Herr, Jr., 1st Place, Overall & South Central Region, Pennsylvania - 97.49 bu/acre
  • Don Stall, 1st Place, Overall & Late-Maturity, Michigan - 98.88 bu/acre
  • Jim Schaendorf, 1st Place, Mid-Maturity Non-Irrigated, Michigan - 89.40 bu/acre 

We are proud to be part of all of these growers' winning programs and wish them the best of luck this season.

Learn more about the technologies used in the winning programs by downloading the Sustainable Technology Overview.

Download the Overview

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April 12, 2023 — Posted By Agricen

In an irrigated corn trial conducted in Benzie county, Michigan in 2022, adding ACCOMPLISH MAX to the grower's standard practice (GSP) starter fertilizer led to impressive yield results. 

ACCOMPLISH MAX was added to the GSP starter fertilizer at two different rates (1 pint/acre and 1 quart/acre, the recommended rate) and then compared to the GSP alone. The GSP 2x2 starter fertilizer blend consisted of UAN 28% (7.5 gal/acre), ammonium thiosulfate (ATS, 3 gal/acre), 10-34-0 (7.25 gal/acre), and Pro Zinc 10+ (0.25 gal/acre). The grower's fertility program also included a dry fertilizer broadcast application of 46-0-0 (300 lbs/acre) plus 0-0-60 (100 lbs/acre) applied over corn stubble. The field was no-till, corn on corn.

Adding ACCOMPLISH MAX at either rate provided both a yield advantage and a return on investment (ROI) for the grower.


At harvest, the average corn yield with the GSP starter fertilizer alone was 165.0 bu/acre.

Where ACCOMPLISH MAX had been added at the 1 pint rate to the GSP, the average corn yield was 176.0 bu/acre, for a yield advantage of +11.9 bu/acre equating to an ROI of 6:1 compared to the GSP.

Most impressively, where ACCOMPLISH MAX was added to the GSP at the recommended 1 quart rate, the average corn yield was 185.8 bu/acre, for a yield advantage of +20.8 bu/acre over the GSP alone. At the time this trial was conducted, that yield advantage equated to a grower ROI of 12:1.

At planting, row crops are up against environmental challenges that include cold temperatures, fertilizer salts and more. ACCOMPLISH MAX can be used with liquid in-furrow starter fertilizers to help crops better tolerate these stresses while also increasing nutrient uptake, so that growers can help their crops live up to their full potential while also pushing their yields to the next level.

Learn more about ACCOMPLISH MAX by downloading the ACCOMPLISH MAX product booklet.

Download the Accomplish MAX Product Booklet

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