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August 14, 2019

Accomplish LM Is a Great Fit for Potato Growers

Posted by Agricen

We often focus on Accomplish LM in corn, soybean or wheat crops, but the benefits of Accomplish LM technology also extend to specialty crops like potatoes. A recent side by side comparison from a 2019 potato trial in Grafton, North Dakota shows earlier potato emergence and more robust plants when Accomplish LM has been added to the grower's standard potato fertilizer program. In this trial, Accomplish LM was applied at planting with 10-34-0, placed below the seed in a band.


Topics: North Dakota, Michigan, Accomplish LM, potatoes

December 22, 2013

Growing a Better Soybean Crop in a Corn-Soybean Rotation

Posted by Agricen

Accomplish technology can be used to help release and mineralize nutrients in high residue fields. Given the high potassium levels in corn stover and the high potassium demand for a soybean crop, this is a perfect situation for using a residue application of Accomplish technology to improve plant performance (Figures 1-3) and gain a yield advantage in the coming soybean crop (Figure 4).


Topics: Soybeans, North Dakota, Crop Residue, Iowa, Extract PBA