Many technologies and practices play a role in helping farmers protect soil and improve water quality. At Black Hawk Lake in Iowa, that's making a difference.
Many technologies and practices play a role in helping farmers protect soil and improve water quality. At Black Hawk Lake in Iowa, that's making a difference.
Topics: Sustainability, Videos, Iowa, Accomplish LM, Water Management
February 27, 2014
Posted by Agricen
It requires a lot of fertilizer and water to maintain a healthy almond tree throughout the year and to prepare for–and optimize–production the following year. Those requirements present some very specific challenges.
Topics: Almonds, California, Accomplish LM, Water Management
Researchers from the University of North Texas (UNT) recently presented data at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology from a study done in collaboration with Agricen.
Topics: Corporate & Community, Research, Water Management
October 14, 2011
Posted by Agricen
Agricen presented data on SoilBuilder at the 2011 ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. SoilBuilder is Agricen’s base biochemical fertilizer catalyst technology for the agriculture industry.
Topics: Research, SoilBuilder, Corn, Water Management
September 13, 2011
Posted by Agricen
Reducing a fertilizer’s leachable nitrates allows the fertilizer to act more efficiently. It also helps protect our water resources.
Topics: Sustainability, SoilBuilder, Illinois, Corn, Water Management
As a company, we care about doing things the right way — from producing quality fertilizer catalyst products that help growers improve sustainability in the field to improving our own practices at our Pilot Point, Texas, headquarters.
As our company grows, so does our demand for resources – especially water. This is a challenge for producers of all kinds, whether growers or product manufacturers, particularly as companies look for more ways to be “green” and incorporate sustainable practices. It is even more of a pressing challenge in places like Texas, where water conservation is important because of frequent periods of drought.
Topics: Sustainability, Corporate & Community, Water Management
5601 Granite Parkway
Suite 740
Plano, TX 75024
Phone : 800-787-3724
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Always read and follow label directions. Check state registration to make sure product is registered in your state. Results may vary depending on soil, climate or other conditions. California Department of Food and Agriculture does not recognize the term biocatalyst as a beneficial term for fertilizer material.