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October 17, 2012

Agricen Presents Corn Microbiome Research at ASA-CSSA-SSSA Joint Meeting

Posted by Agricen


Scientists from Agricen and the University of North Texas researchers analyzed soil associated with corn roots collected from a field study of corn conducted at the University of Arkansas, where plots had received a range of fertilizer types and application rates.

They then compared bacterial biomass and diversity in the rhizosphere (e.g., in soil loosely associated with the root ball) and the rhizoplane (e.g., in soil washed from root surfaces) – areas where plants and soil microbes interact.

By applying next-generation sequencing to characterize the bacterial community, they found that bacterial biodiversity varied with the different fertility regimens and between the rhizosphere and rhizoplane.


Topics: Research, Corn

July 19, 2012

SoilBuilder Abstract at ASPB’s Plant Biology 2012 Meeting

Posted by Agricen


Topics: Research, SoilBuilder

June 26, 2012

UNT/AMS Collaboration Identifies New Bacterial Group

Posted by AMSPressMaster

Researchers from the University of North Texas (UNT) recently presented data at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology from a study done in collaboration with Agricen.


Topics: Corporate & Community, Research, Water Management

November 28, 2011

Agricen and University of North Texas to Collaborate on Ag Research

Posted by Agricen

This fall, the University of North Texas and Agricen announced that they will be collaborating on research into plant-microbe relationships in agricultural systems. Employing next-generation sequencing, the joint research program will focus on better understanding the role that microbial diversity plays in building and sustaining crop production.


Topics: Corporate & Community, Research

October 14, 2011

Agricen Presents Data on Nitrogen Use Efficiency at ASA-CSSA-SSSA Joint Meeting

Posted by Agricen

Agricen presented data on SoilBuilder at the 2011 ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. SoilBuilder is Agricen’s base biochemical fertilizer catalyst technology for the agriculture industry.


Topics: Research, SoilBuilder, Corn, Water Management