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March 5, 2024 — Posted By Agricen

TERRAMAR can be applied to a wide variety of row crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat, grain sorghum (milo) and cotton. In this blog, we answer common questions about using TERRMAR in row crop programs.

TERRAMAR is a breakthrough product that combines a biologically converted kelp source and biologically converted leonardite, which is a carbon source. It is intended for foliar applications in row crops at vegetative and reproductive stages. TERRAMAR supplements a balanced crop nutrition system by helping to maximize plant performance and yield across any type of growing conditions.

Why use TERRAMAR in row crops?
TERRAMAR is formulated to increase nutrient uptake and enhance stress mitigation, which can optimize plant health and contribute to enhanced yield. In 76 trials conducted from 2019 to 2023 across corn, soybeans, wheat and grain sorghum, TERRAMAR offered an average yield advantage of +7.12 bu/acre compared to untreated check.

Terramar-piano_graph 2019-2023


What are the key benefits of TERRAMAR for row crops?
TERRAMAR sets a new standard in stress mitigation and plant performance. Foliar application of TERRAMAR improves abiotic stress tolerance (e.g. heat, cold, drought) at various stages of plant growth. Visible improvements in stressed crops can often be observed several days after application. Additionally, increased nutrient use efficiency has been documented when TERRAMAR is applied in conjunction with a foliar nutrition program.

How is TERRAMAR applied?
TERRAMAR is recommended for liquid foliar applications in row crops to enhance plant performance while minimizing weather-induced stress. Foliar applications deliver TERRAMAR's unique set of highly active, metabolite-based compounds for quicker absorption through the plant leaf tissue. The recommended rate for TERRAMAR is 1 quart per acre. It is compatible with a broad range of liquid fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides and fungicides for maximum application flexibility.

When should TERRAMAR be applied?
TERRAMAR can be applied in early post-emergent applications as well as mid- to late-season fungicide applications.

Should I apply TERRAMAR even if I am not anticipating severe crop stress?
Yes. TERRAMAR can optimize plant performance in all growing conditions, whether they are stressful conditions in which crop development could be impacted or average to ideal conditions in which crops have the best chance of reaching their yield potential.

Learn more by downloading the TERRAMAR Frequently Asked Questions bulletin.

Download the Bulletin


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May 24, 2023 — Posted By Agricen

Terramar Webinar

How can growers mitigate the effects of weather-related crop stresses like heat and dry conditions while also increasing nutrient uptake by their crops during the growing season?

Watch our on-demand webinar, "Introducing Terramar: A New Way to Help Row Crops Stand Up to Stress," to hear:

  • How Terramar improves crop tolerance to abiotic stresses while enhancing nutrient uptake

  • Why Terramar is a good fit for any row crop program, including corn, soybean, and wheat

  • Details about application timing, trial results, and more

Intended for foliar use in row crops, Terramar delivers increased nutrient uptake and enhanced stress mitigation to optimize plant health and contribute to enhanced yield.

Terramar combines two unique technology platforms with complimentary functions to improve plant performance and help crops "Stand Up to Stress":

  • Carbon-Based Technology, or CBT. CBT is derived from biologically converted leonardite, a carbon source. CBT enhances nutrient uptake and provides key carbon derivatives for additional energy to optimize plant performance

  • Marine-Based Technology, or MBT. MBT is derived from biologically converted kelp. MBT improves crop tolerance to abiotic stressors such as heat, drought, salt, and cold, which can represent significant yield-limiting factors.

Terramar is compatible with key crop inputs, including foliar nutrition, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides, for maximum application flexibility. Multiple field trials validate the effectiveness of Terramar as an addition to crop protection (herbicide, insecticide or fungicide) and nutritional programs.

Terramar can be used in combination with early, mid-season, or late-season foliar applications to mitigate stress and improve nutrient uptake. Foliar applications deliver its unique set of highly active, metabolite-based compounds for quick absorption through the leaf tissue of the plant.

Terramar is exclusively available from Nutrien Ag Solutions.

Watch the webinar today to learn how Terramar can help row crops stand up to stress.

Watch the Webinar


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March 6, 2017 — Posted By Agricen
Read this Q&A for a brief introduction to IBA, kinetin and other compounds that aid in plant growth and functioning—and learn how they can help optimize plant performance.


What are IBA and kinetin, and how do they benefit crops?

IBA (which stands for indolebutyric acid) and kinetin are two different types of plant growth regulators or hormones. IBA is an auxin that is produced in the plant’s leaves and shoots. IBA travels downwards to the roots and stimulates early and improved root growth, which increases plant vigor and the plant’s ability to fight off stress throughout the growing season. Kinetin is a cytokinin that travels up the plant from the root tips, directing many physiological functions of plant growth.

IBA and kinetin (as cytokinin) are the active ingredients in Radiate®, which combines these two plant growth regulators in the optimum ratio to maximize the physiological processes in the plant that drive root and shoot growth. Radiate is designed to help crops develop longer, stronger, healthier roots to improve nutrient uptake. It can be used as a foliar application during the two- to six-leaf growth period (V2-V6) to jumpstart early season root growth and plant vigor, which can lead to gains in crop productivity. 

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What is NutriSync® technology, and why is it important for plant health and performance?  

NutriSync® technology is based on a naturally occurring compound that transports and remobilizes nutrients to areas of peak demand within the plant. By providing better uptake and utilization of important nutrients and delivering them to the new points of growth in the plant, this technology helps to increase overall plant performance. 

NutriSync technology promotes nutrient mobilization to areas of high demand and supports better utilization of nutrients within the plant. These features create healthier plants throughout the growing season, which can lead to higher yields and a better return on investment. 


What synergies could I expect when using Radiate, which contains IBA and kinetin, with the technology found in NutriSync?  

As IBA and kinetin increase root growth and development, the plant’s ability to take up soil nutrients increases. After the nutrients are in the plant, NutriSync technology helps the plant move them to areas of new growth, where demand is highest. By using Radiate and NutriSync products together in the same season, growers can expect better root development, more efficient use of nutrients, stronger overall plant performance and an excellent return on investment. 
Radiate and NutriSync are registered trademarks of Loveland Products, Inc. Radiate is not registered in California, and is not approved or intended to be used or sold in California.

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