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California's Grape Market Increasingly Turns to Accomplish LM
July 17, 2013 — Posted By Agricen

Growers on California’s central coast have recently faced the challenges of a depressed grape market, but, fortunately, that market is now returning to better days.

As the market improves, growers are looking for new technologies that can help them cost-effectively improve production. Accomplish technology is playing a role, with more and more grape growers in central coast areas like Santa Maria and Paso Robles seeing the efficacy of Accomplish as they incorporate it into their plant nutrition programs. Some of the benefits they are seeing include:

  • Larger, more developed roots
  • Better heat stress tolerance
  • A more vigorous growing vine
Edna Valley Grapes
Accomplish-treated wine grapes growing in Edna Valley, California. (Photo taken mid-May.)

Paso Robles
Wine grapes almost blooming in Paso Robles, California. (Photo taken mid-May.)

We are very excited to be helping central coast grape growers get better results in the field!
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