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October 19, 2020 — Posted By Agricen

livestock cowsWhen it comes to growing forage and pasture crops as feed for a successful livestock operation, simply increasing the biomass of these crops isn't enough. Feed quality is another important consideration. In fact, it may be the most important variable in livestock and dairy production, as increased feed quality can lead to higher production of meat and milk.

Biocatalyst technology can have a positive effect on these variables, increasing total biomass of the crop and improving feed quality. 

Increase in Dry Matter Production

In Victoria, Australia, a third-party, replicated pasture trial was conducted to evaluate the performance of the biocatalyst technology TITAN XC (marketed as BASIS XC in Australia) when used in the grower's standard dry fertilizer program. Treating diammonium phosphate (DAP) with the TITAN XC technology led to a statistically significant increase in dry matter (+236.1 lb/acre) compared to untreated DAP (p<0.05). Crude protein, an indicator of crop quality, was also higher when TITAN XC was used to treat the DAP compared to the untreated dry fertilizer.

Titan XC pasture trial

Improvement in Feed Quality

What about the effect of biocatalyst technology on other indicators of feed quality?

In a pasture trial conducted at Lucindale, Australia, TITAN XC technology was applied on single superphosphate (SSP) fertilizer and compared to untreated SSP. The feed analysis showed that TITAN XC treatment improved multiple measures of feed quality, increasing crude protein by 26.4%, total digestible nutrients (DMD) by 6.7%, and estimated metabolizable energy by 7.5%. TITAN XC treatment of the dry fertilizer also lowered acid detergent fiber by almost 3% and neutral detergent fiber by almost 8%, resulting in greater palatability and digestibility. 

fresh pasture feed analysis

These improvements in feed quality can lead to more pounds of beef and lamb produced per acre. They can also lead to more pounds of milk produced per ton of forage, as seen in a trial at a large dairy in California

In the trial, ACCOMPLISH LM (available in California today as ACCOMPLISH CA) was broadcast applied at 1 gallon per acre along with the grower's standard practice (GSP) to a field planted for corn silage. The controls were fields planted to corn silage using just the GSP alone. All fields had a history of manure applications from the dairy. Corn silage that was harvested from each treatment was stored in separate bunkers and the feed analysis was conducted after the ensiling process was complete. 

Compared to the GSP alone, feed quality was improved across multiple parameters, including the  most important one: pounds of milk per ton of silage. Overall, ACCOMPLISH treatment increased milk production by 501 pounds per ton of silage, 16% more than with the GSP alone.


A Positive Impact on Livestock Operations

These trials, and others, demonstrate the positive impact that biocatalyst technologies can have on the forage and pasture crops grown to feed livestock.  

Whether by using TITAN XC on dry fertilizer or ACCOMPLISH technology designed for broadcast on each acre (e.g., ACCOMPLISH CA or EXTRACT PBA), farmers can increase pasture and forage total biomass and dry matter while also increasing crop quality. This can lead to increased production of meat and milk in livestock operations.

Learn more by downloading the Biocatalyst Technology booklet.

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June 10, 2014 — Posted By Agricen

With limited rainfall to help flush salts or to irrigate the crops in summer months, growers need help to obtain quality yields. Incorporating Accomplish LM into a standard fertility program can really assist here.

Accomplish LM mineralizes nutrients and increases root size and branching so that more of the root system can take up nutrients and water. For specialty crops like tomatoes, the result is better plant performance and higher potential tomato yields (Figures 1 & 2).


Figure 1. Yield increase with Accomplish LM in a split application trial on tomatoes conducted by the University of California Cooperative Extension. Accomplish LM was applied at 2 quarts/acre at transplanting and at 2 quarts/acre 30 days later along with standard fertility and management practices.


Figure 2. Yield increase with Accomplish LM in a split field trial on tomatoes conducted by the University of Florida. Accomplish LM was applied at 3 quarts/acre at transplanting and 3 quarts/acre two weeks later along with standard fertility and management practices.

In a year like we are having, these benefits will be a key part of making sure growers get the ROI they need to stay in business.

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February 27, 2014 — Posted By Agricen

It requires a lot of fertilizer and water to maintain a healthy almond tree throughout the year and to prepare for–and optimize–production the following year. Those requirements present some very specific challenges.

One of the most important issues is water scarcity. California is now in the midst of one of the worst droughts in the state’s history, leading some almond farmers to let their trees dry up, or even have them torn out of the ground. Another issue—although one that might feel less pressing given the current water problems—is the implementation of fertilizer regulations in California, which means that some growers will need to make changes to their fertility practices.

Almond growers have little choice except to find the most effective way to deal with both of these issues, and I am working with many California growers to incorporate Accomplish LM into their fertilizer programs to help mitigate both concerns.

Using Accomplish LM, growers can utilize fertilizer inputs more effectively and efficiently (as seen in this study of the base product technology), as well as improve their water efficiency (in a Wasco, CA irrigation response study, water got into the soil profile faster, went deeper, and stayed longer with Accomplish LM).

Accomplish LM can also boost almond yields. In a recent almond trial in Merced County, California, adding Accomplish LM to an almond fertility program increased the harvest by 212-303 lbs. per acre (Figure 1).

Almond Trial- Merced County, CA (2013)


Figure 1. Yield increase with Accomplish LM in a California almond fertility program. The grower’s standard practice was compost applied at 5 tons/acre. Accomplish LM was applied at 4 quarts/acre, and 7% zinc was applied at 1 gallon/acre.

Even though it may seem like almonds are everywhere in California, there are a few problems that must be effectively addressed to protect the current crop and ensure an abundant future for California almonds. Accomplish LM helps growers more efficiently utilize fertilizer and water—two very important inputs—and typically delivers a positive impact on yields. It is also very easy to use: you can simply add it to your current fertilizer mix. For California almond growers, Accomplish LM can play a key part in addressing today’s needs while also preparing for tomorrow.


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July 17, 2013 — Posted By Agricen

Growers on California’s central coast have recently faced the challenges of a depressed grape market, but, fortunately, that market is now returning to better days.

As the market improves, growers are looking for new technologies that can help them cost-effectively improve production. Accomplish technology is playing a role, with more and more grape growers in central coast areas like Santa Maria and Paso Robles seeing the efficacy of Accomplish as they incorporate it into their plant nutrition programs. Some of the benefits they are seeing include:

  • Larger, more developed roots
  • Better heat stress tolerance
  • A more vigorous growing vine
Edna Valley Grapes
Accomplish-treated wine grapes growing in Edna Valley, California. (Photo taken mid-May.)

Paso Robles
Wine grapes almost blooming in Paso Robles, California. (Photo taken mid-May.)

We are very excited to be helping central coast grape growers get better results in the field!
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