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Titan XC Brings Out the Best in Alfalfa Field

After viewing this alfalfa field image, the grower, who is a dairyman, went to visit his local Nutrien Ag Solutions branch in Dassell, Minnesota with an important question: "What's wrong with the top half of the field?"

Looking back in his records, branch manager Mike Amundson saw that the only difference between the different parts of the field was that fertilizer on the top half of the field had not been treated with a biocatalyst. The fertilizer on the bottom half, where the alfalfa crop was really thriving, had been treated with Titan XC.

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Alfalfa – Dassel MN

Both the treated and untreated fertilizer (200 lbs/acre of ammonium sulfate) had been spread on May 25, 2017. Titan XC was applied to the treated fertilizer prior to spreading. The Echelon image, seen above, was taken two months later, on July 29, 2017.

It turns out that Titan XC was the key to bringing out the best in this alfalfa field. 

Learn more about Titan XC by downloading the Titan XC booklet.

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