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Prove It to Me: What Were the Iowa Growers' Corn Yields?

If you've seen our farming film, Prove It to Me, you may be wondering, "What were the growers' yields?" 

For the Iowa growers who were trialing Accomplish LM, corn yields increased by an average of about 5 bushels/acre when the Accomplish LM biocatalyst was added to the grower's standard fertilizer program. Individual grower results can be seen in the chart below, with yield bumps that range from +0.12 to +10.74 bushels/acre.


"Twenty years ago, 140 or 150 bushel corn was really good...By the year 2030, we'll need to average 280 or 300 bushel corn," says Iowa grower Scott Poen. "We've got to have products like this."

Based on their 2015 yield results, the growers are using Accomplish LM on all of their fields this year. 


Learn more about using Accomplish biocatalyst technology by downloading the Biocatalyst Technology FAQ Booklet 

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