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Q&A: Should Soybean Growers Consider a Starter Program?

Soybeans in farm field, early September in IllinoisI’ve never used a starter program for my soybean plants. Nutrient deficiencies are not as common as they are in corn, and the salt in traditional fertilizers can harm the seedlings. Why would I consider a soybean starter program now?

It’s true that traditional starter fertilizers are not typically used for soybean crops, for both of the reasons that you’ve pointed out. However, like growers of other crops, soybean growers can benefit from tools that help improve plant health and yields. Accomplish® MAX and Radiate® are plant health products that can be used together as a “starter program” for soybean. They contain no salt and provide a cost effective way for growers to improve plant vigor, reduce plant stress and increase productivity. With an early application of these plant health technologies, growers can improve the health of soybean plants from emergence through yield, all while maximizing the efficiency of their total plant nutrition program.

If soybean prices are low, does it make economic sense to use a starter program?

When soybeans sell at a low price, some growers may be inclined to reduce total input costs. But, by using proven technologies to get their crop off to a faster, more vigorous start, soybean growers can have a very successful year. Accomplish MAX and Radiate are proven plant health technologies that work together to help optimize yield potential and return on total program investment when used as a soybean starter.

If my soybean plants need the nutrition, aren’t broadcast applications better at improving yields?

We recommend that soybean growers employ soil testing to determine the nutrient needs of their crops. Accomplish MAX and Radiate are plant health technologies, not plant nutrition products. Accomplish MAX increases the availability and uptake of nutrients in the soil (both applied nutrients and native nutrients) and mitigates the effect of abiotic stress, while Radiate contains plant hormones that drive root development and plant vigor. Both can help optimize soybean yield potential when used together as a starter application, maximizing a grower’s nutrient use efficiency and plant performance all season long.

Radiate is not registered in California, and is not approved or intended to be used or sold in California.


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