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Corn Yield Advantage with Accomplish LM in Nebraska Trial

Results of an on-farm trial in Nebraska show the ability of Accomplish LM to help corn growers maximize the yield potential of their crops. 

In the trial, which took place in Beatrice, Nebraska, adding Accomplish LM to the grower's standard fertilizer practice increased corn yield by an average of 13.16 bushels per acre, for a profit of $36.71 per acre.
Corn-Beatrice NE

The grower's standard practice was dual placement of NH3 and 10-34-0 in a banded application.  In the treated areas, Accomplish LM was added at 1 quart/acre to the 10-34-0 during fertilizer application in the fall of 2017.

Based on the results of this trial, the grower will be using Accomplish LM on all 1,200 acres of corn in 2019.

Accomplish LM is perfect for banded and in-furrow applications, as well as for mixing with broadcast liquid blends. Learn more by downloading the Accomplish LM product booklet.

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