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Agricen Celebrates 20 Years

agricen-20-years-01This year, Agricen celebrates 20 years of agricultural technology research, discovery and innovation aimed at sustainably improving crop yields. Two decades is no small feat in the agribusiness industry, and it's an even bigger achievement in our sector, focused on agricultural biostimulants and biologicals.

This sector has made huge strides since we were founded in 1998 in Pilot Point, Texas. When we began, there was a general skepticism about biological solutions for agriculture. This was driven in part by a lack of knowledge about how the science had begun to advance—moving beyond "bathtub brews" to advanced, quality controlled products with claims that could be supported by field and university data.

A brief look at the history of Agricen through the years.

From the start, growers and other partners asked us to prove that our product technology consistently works to increase the efficiency of applied fertilizers, improve plant health and provide a return on investment. We invested heavily in understanding how our technology functions and tested it extensively to see how it performs in real world conditions. With well over 1,000 studies to date, we can confidently stand behind the efficacy of our biocatalyst technologies.

The newfound acceptance of the ag biostimulant and biologicals sector can also be seen in the growing number of places you will find our product technology today. From just a few hundred acres in the United States when we began, to nearly 250 thousand acres a decade later, and to over eight million acres on four continents in 2018, our proven, world-class product technology is helping growers compete and thrive—and is even helping U.S. corn growers achieve top yields

Agricen-based-on-natureIn the next decade, we look forward to continuing to deliver industry-leading solutions for agriculture and related industries that are 'Based on Nature, Built on Science.'

A special thank you to our dedicated team, our partners (including Loveland Products and Nutrien Ag Solutions), and our customers for all of their support. We firmly believe that the next 20 years are going to be even more exciting and game-changing for the entire agricultural community.

Learn more about who we are and what we do by viewing our "About Us" page or watching our featured videos

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