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ACCOMPLISH MAX Performs in Illinois Corn Starter Trial

ACCOMPLISH MAX is a fantastic tool for corn growers who apply liquid starter fertilizers and want to maximize nutrient availability for their crop while reducing the impact of early season abiotic stresses, such as cool temperatures and salinity from applied fertilizers.

In this corn trial led by Nutrien Ag Solutions in Ferris, Illinois, ACCOMPLISH MAX was used in-furrow with the grower's standard practice (GSP) liquid starter program and compared to the GSP alone. The same corn hybrid was used in both parts of the field.

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At harvest, the corn yield was 219.8 bu/acre where ACCOMPLISH MAX had been added to the GSP, as compared to 211.1 bu/acre where the GSP was used alone, for a corn yield advantage of +8.7 bu/acre with ACCOMPLISH MAX.

ACCOMPLISH MAX is a proven nutrient use efficiency and stress tolerance product that offers concentrated biochemistry in an easy-to-handle, liquid form. Formulated for use in furrow or 2x2 with liquid starter fertilizers, it helps growers get the most out of their crop fertility programs by improving nutrient availability and uptake from liquid starters and residual nutrition in the application zone while also increasing crop tolerance to environmental stresses like cold temperatures and saline soils.

ACCOMPLISH MAX can be used in liquid starter programs for a variety of crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton and more.

See more ACCOMPLISH MAX results by viewing our featured studies, or download the ACCOMPLISH MAX booklet to learn more.

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ACCOMPLISH MAX Performs in Illinois Corn Starter Trial