Watch our on-demand webinar, "How to Make Your Dry Fertilizer Work Harder and Go Farther," tolearn:
Hosted by CropLife and presented by Agricen's Director of Applied Sciences, Dr. Brian Cornelious, the webinar explains how TITAN XC can help growers maximize their yield opportunities by improving nutrient availability and uptake from treated dry fertilizers.
Fertilizer prills as applied to the field are not available to the plant or soil until they have gone through a conversion process that transforms them from organic forms into inorganic, plant-available forms. For example, applied phosphorus (P205) must be converted to the inorganic forms HPO4 or H2PO4 before the crop can use it.
TITAN XC expedites this process. As part of the investment in next year’s crop, it helps deliver maximum yield and return on investment by making every TITAN XC-treated prill go farther and work harder, including in corn, soybean and cotton crops.
Watch the webinar today to learn how to get the most out of your fall dry fertilizer application.