Plant Health Insights

Increase in Corn Yield, Nutrient Uptake with Fall-Applied Titan XC

Written by Agricen | July 15, 2019

Whether growers spread dry fertilizer in the fall or spring, Titan XC can help ensure that more of their applied nutrients are used by the crop to maximize yield potential.

In this Minnesota field trial, treating the grower's fall-applied dry fertilizer blend (13-60-70-20S) with Titan XC at 1 pint/ton led to an 11.22 bushel/acre corn yield increase compared to no treatment.

Prior to harvest, tissue samples showed greater uptake of key nutrients by the plant when Titan XC was used.

"We saw a 17% increase in phosphorus and potassium and a 7-8.5% increase in sulfur, zinc and boron in the plant with Titan XC," noted Mike Amundson, location manager for the MN/SD Division of Nutrien Ag Solutions, which operated the trial. 

Learn more about Titan XC by downloading the Titan XC product booklet