Plant Health Insights

Doing Our Part with Better Water Management Practices

Written by Agricen | September 7, 2011

As a company, we care about doing things the right way — from producing quality fertilizer catalyst products that help growers improve sustainability in the field to improving our own practices at our Pilot Point, Texas, headquarters.

As our company grows, so does our demand for resources – especially water. This is a challenge for producers of all kinds, whether growers or product manufacturers, particularly as companies look for more ways to be “green” and incorporate sustainable practices. It is even more of a pressing challenge in places like Texas, where water conservation is important because of frequent periods of drought.

What have we done to address this issue? Earlier this year, Agricen built a water retention lagoon that holds up to a half a million gallons – about one month of our average water use.

We are now able to use that reclaimed water in our production process. The lagoon allows us to support our water needs during periods of drought or when production is in high demand. And, one interesting fact about this water – it’s actually cleaner than tap water after going through our rigorous filtration process.

At Agricen, our goals include a corporate responsibility to manage the impact we have on our local community and the environment. In this case, it made good economic sense. It was also just the right thing to do.